Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Xmas to all!

Merry Xmas to everyone!
Today is Christmas and I'm spending the day working in office earning some OT... Hee..
But honestly, usually the xmas/new year period is very quiet so I guess I spend my time surfing net, playing facebook and also watching shows... Hee... :D

I'm feeling so tired! ~

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Sick... twice in a week

Sigh... I fell sick twice this week... Not sure what's going on, but the feeling's not nice and I dun like to feel sick. Started with a throat infection late last week and went to see a doc on Wed... Then on Fri, my flu and cough came... Luckily I slept enough over the weekend and so I'm feeling better now....

I'm working on both Xmas and New Year's Day with my dear colleague Carine... Heee... Hopefully we can pass the shifts "peacefully"... Not many calls and tickets... ;)

Gambatte to faster recover soon.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Frens, enjoy your TW trip!

I juz came back from the gym... Really tired and sleepy... I'm going to bathe and wait for my mum to buy back my "lunch" before taking a short nap if I can.. Hee...

My religious grp frens are mostly going to TW for a week starting from today... Take care and have fun everyone! :D

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Happy Birthday to my dearest Ge Ge!

Happy 27th Birthday to my dearest ge ge, Apple!
She insisted on not having any presents and celebrations this year, but I still must wish her everywhere...
Thru sms, Facebook, and my blog!! Haha...
Stay happy & beautiful alwiz! :D

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Cousins' overnight stay

My parents went to KL again this week... Yes, to settle the final part for my mum's EPF (equivalent to Singapore's CPF) in Malaysia. She had bumped into so many issues the previous time she went.. Had to ask my 3rd uncle to bring her to do her birth cert in KL and then last weekend I brought my parent to ICA to request for a letter, stating that she returned her blue IC over 20 years ago to Singapore instead of Malaysia when she became a citizenship. They were supposed to be back on Thursday evening... But as it was raining, my aunt sent them back home in the nite.

What I did not expect was... my 2 little devil cousins (6th aunt's kids) who had refused to stay here overnight previously, insisted on staying with us this time round! Wow... I dunno what triggered that but it's pretty worrying, coz they've never stayed here before, though they are very close to me & my parents. On Thurs night, my aunt kept asking them to go back but they refused and the little boy even cried and "nao bie niu" when being dragged. LOL... So no choice. They stayed...

I had to prepare them mentally and told them me n mum are working on Friday, so they'd only be home alone with dad & sis and they were ok, and so nice... They did not even fuss or make noise in the night when they slept with me. The only thing is the little boy woke up twice in the night to sleep with his sister... I guess he's having nightmares as he was bitten by a dog on his body at Granny's place b4 coming here. In fact, both nights here he had nightmares though ok after I pacified him. When I qn him the next day, he'd say he dreamt of big dogs chasing him.. The 2nd night, he even woke up and peed all over the kitchen at 3am... :(

Anyway, I'm glad they really enjoyed themselves on the Zoo trip I brought them on yesterday morning. We woke up pretty early and I looked after the kids while my dad went to buy breakfast for everyone. After breakfast & medication for the little boy for his dog bite, I dressed and brought them to the zoo. At first my aunt was really worried abt me bringing them alone, as the boy can be a pretty handful when outside. But throughout the trip, from taking LRT to bus and the walks in the zoo, was easy for me. I guess because I warned them beforehand... haha.. :P We watched the elephant show, and had many rides in the zoo and the kids really enjoyed themselves. Too bad my camera battery was spoilt, so we had to make do with a disposable cam. My aunt brought it back to JB to develop, so I've yet to see the photos too... heee...

Aunt came to pick us at about 3pm but the kids refused to leave the zoo... It started drizzling and I told them we have to leave, else the tigers will go after them.. Again, it's the boy who's very persistent to want to stay there.. haha... Finally we left at about 3 plus and went to Lot 1 for "lunch". After that, accompanied them to shop a while before coming home for dinner. I must really say.. when my aunt is aorund, the boy really misbehaves... Glad he din give me trouble at the zoo and we went and came back safe...

Though tiring, I enjoyed the day with the kids too... :D They left for home last nite after dinner.. hee... I can have my bed back. :P It's really cold sleeping directly under the aircon... Ah chooo...