Monday, May 16, 2011

Congrats to Lawrence & Wendii on your reunion!

Yup, my good fren Law got married last Saturday and I was there to witness everything from morning gatecrash to end of the function at nite~
Was glad I was able to help out here n there... LOL...

Without further a-do.. Here are some pics to share for their big big day! :)

The groom & bros ready to take on the dares at the gatecrash!

Haha, this is classic.. The guys are supposed to dance to the song played on the computer! Yi duo hua by Ling Feng.

Our pretty bride with the flower gal and pageboy at the church. They are actually siblings and it's the gal's birthday also, so we sang her a birthday song!

Me @ M Hotel, helping out as the recept... Hee...

Our group photo.. Had wanted to post more but uploading is really slow right now.. So pls refer to my FB for more info and pics!

Friday, May 13, 2011

It's Friday the 13th

Today is Friday the 13th, but I'm glad I passed it without much issues.
Big boss from US visited and we din have much time to catch up today, but there'll be group meetings and 1-1 meetings on coming Monday... Will there be any changes to my title and scope etc? Honestly, I'm pretty satisfied and do not wish for any changes... But I know very well changes are inevitable! So let's see how it goes next Monday...

My poly good fren, Law is getting married tomorrow and I'm so happy for him and his wife Wendii... Will be helping out along the way tmr! :)

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

It's firm.. She's gotten the chickenpox virus!

Aragh.. Can't believe my sis really caught the chickenpox virus!
She's been having red rashes on her limbs the past 2 weeks and seen the doc numerous times and the doc says it's sensitive skin.
Can sense that she wasn't that right cause keep complaining of aches here n there..

Finally, her visit to the doc this evening after work confirmed it, she's gotten the virus.
I've never had the pox before and though I had the vaccine last year but I think it's not 100% immune, so really praying that I won't catch it from her.. Else, it'd b dreadful...

Just took some antibiotics from my regular doc last nite and is still trying to recover from my super bad flu and now this has to come along...

Really bo bian leh.. :( Pray, pray, pray!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Back from Batam!

Attended a wedding dinner with my dad in JB on 7 May nite... Was already not feeling well but still went ahead as my dad does not know the way there! Great catchup with my granny, aunts and cousins there!

I went to Batam over the weekend with Apple & TM and it was a nice trip! I love especially the massages and the fish spa we have in the Thai room of Tempat Senang. Batam is a boring place, however, nothing much to shop and nowhere nice to go to...

I'd however go back for their massages and spa again! Really super nice lor~ Actually I was already sick since Thursday, starting with a mild sore throat... and it turned into fever, flu, cough etc.. And I seen a doc prior to the Batam trip but the medication did not seem to help. how I wish i was well when i was in batam so i could enjoy the trip more...

Apple and Tm took a lot of pics while the tired and sick me only took a few...
To share, the fishes in the fish spa in our room!

Am so tired.. Off to bed I go for a better tomorrow.. :) Back to office~
P.S: And oh, Happy Birthday to u! :D

Monday, May 2, 2011

Alan's boy - Ethan is so cute~

Back from visiting Alan and his family in his SK flat in the afternoon!
His newborn baby boy Ethan is so cute! I simply love to hug him and talk with him... Hee...

It was nice catching up with Candy (Alan's wife) as well! :)
After that, I metup with Ms Corina Tay to help her move some stuffs and she brought over her cute nephew Ryan over to my place to visit my chou chou and had dinner here!

I'm so tired now but it's a nice n fruitful day!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

A May filled with holidays!

I think many people are looking forward to May since it has so many holidays, with the addition of the replacement holiday for the GE... Somehow, I'm neither feeling excited nor happy about all these holidays... Rather, sense of fear and nervous is present, since after my boss leaves this Friday, I dunno what will happen... Hahaha... Let's see how it will be like and who exactly I'd be reporting to in future!

On a side note, basically all the weekends in May are pretty packed for me... With lots of activites going on, so hoping that I'll get through these.. :)