I met up with my godbro, Thong at Far East today at about 5.25pm before we walked over to Goodwood Park Hotel to look for the bride & groom! It was a challenge. She gave me the room number 363... So we tot it was on level 3. In the end, it was on level 1... Duhz... Nevertheless, we were the first to arrive and took some photos with the bride first... Heee....
That's Thong... Working in KL so we only met up like once every year or once every 2 years, haha...
Our most beautiful bride.... I've never seen her dress up before and she looks so pretty and different when dressed up. Woman, shld wear more dresses/skirts lar....
That's my best fren and me! Haha... Thanks for the compliments that I looked pretty today but you're the bride leh, cannot b prettier than you. :P You and your Mr Lee, better stop making fun of me huh.... :P
Thong kor and the beautiful bride.... I think she looks angelic in this photo... What u think? ;)
The poolside where the solemnization was held. The tables in this photo was where we had the buffet dinner....
The solemnization was a great event. Other than the bride almost tripping herself... it was pretty nice. Hee... and we noticed something... at the end of the solemnization when they walked out, the groom was holding the bouquet and the bride was holding the cert... So comical... Hee.... Following that, there was this "pao xiu qiu" by my dear Shihua and she told me long ago, I must go there and stand to try and catch her bouquet. But no way am I going to do that... In the end, before she threw the bouquet, she noticed I was not amongst the ladies and called out my name so loudly... Walau, so embarrassing leh... :P
The buffet dinner is something new that I've tried as wedding dinner, coz there were mostly western food and it's non-aircon by the pool area. The food is nice but there was a power outage suddenly and so it became dark and warm, haha... There was also no "yum seng" and the atmosphere was so romantic. It was pretty casual and our dear bride was walking around and chatting with everyone. Tsk tsk tsk... at the end, before we left we even stood around and chatted for more than 15 mins. It was pretty cool, as it started at 6 plus right after the solemnization and by 9 plus, we left the place.
More photos will follow after my dear Shihua sent them to me. I only took a few today in the room with her. :)
Once again, congratulations to Mr & Mrs Lee!!! :)
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