Meanwhile, TM took some photos for us:-

Shortly, the rest arrived too and we found a good spot under some shady trees. Zifang then took us on an exercise spree. Haha... It was fun, with such a big group of ppl exercising together and even other ppl joined in the fun, especially a few Caucasian foreigners. Before leaving, the kids even waved bye to us. So cute! After the exercise, we took a walk around the Botanic Gardens and there were so many pretty things and plants to look at, of coz, with lots of photos taken:-

The pretty swan we saw in the lake. We were told, swans alwiz stay in a pair and if the partner die, shortly after the swan won't be able to live anymore... So lomantic....

Apple, Lynn & Me...

me & Lynn trying to post, but I think not nice, haha.. So weird

Me & Chunyi...

I was looking at the squirrels on the tree, din expect to become the background in this photo for these 2 chatty sisters (Jiayi & Zhenyi) from Malaysia... Hee...

Me with dunno wat fruit tree...

Ladies photo, with a little boy...heee..

This is interesting. The ladies have been "jumping" like this for whole evening after this first jump we had while walking. I think it's fun and funny and we were laughing like mad. After that, the ladies jumped a lot more, but I din join in. :p

By 7pm, we were all tired and the sky was getting dark, so we went home respectively. Thanks to the Malaysian aunties for the lift home and I'm sorry I cannot recall your names anymore. :(
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