KG was my poly classmate, so I was invited to his wedding dinner too.
A pretty cool experience, the first full vegetarian wedding that I attended.
The food was so so though... but it was a nice catchup with my poly frens...
Some pics to share:-

Went to Apple's house b4 the dinner as she suggested going to the saloon near her house to style the hair. Quite ex for me I feel, esp since the curls dun really last... :P This is Apple in her room! :)

And here's Apple after make-up. Candid shot!

That's me, self-potraying while Apple's doing her makeup. Haha, can't imagine Apple said that I very pro in simple makeup and wanna learn from me... :P I anyhow do also...

That's us after the dinner, sitting by the side waiting for the guys who were the brothers of Kim Guan.

I like this pic a lot... Somehow, the feeling is nice though I look so plump :P

The pretty pretty flower on the stage... Apple went up to take the photo.. haha...

And here are 2 of the buddies, TM & Harvey!
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