Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Finally.... I went jogging alone today

heee, after a much awaited period of dragging and dilly-dallying... today I finally went jogging alone. Had wanted very much to do so for past few months but did not put my words into actions till this evening.

Thanks to u, I finally plucked up the courage to go jogging alone at the park near my home.. Lots of ppl jog at that time time... handsome men, old ah peks.... haha...

Hopefully I can continue this exercise routine and reduce 7kg within next 3 months... :P

Monday, April 20, 2009




七岁那年,第一次上小学,有点不习惯。整天闹情绪。。还好, 那时婆婆还在时,每天不辞劳苦带我上学,下课。婆婆虽然走了十五年,可是有时我还真的怀念她。我的童年的快乐时光,大多数多是婆婆给的。

九岁那年,我从德惠小学转校到武吉班让小学,又是一个新的环境,有新的朋友。。 可是还是有点不习惯。 人生中,第一次考试考得非常差。三年级的我,数学总分100分,小妹我只拿了9分。没脸见人。妈妈花了一笔钱,请了一个好老师的我补习,成绩突飞猛进 - 从9分,小妹我拿了92分。简直不可思议!

十岁的时候,第一次发现喜欢上班上的一名小男生。可是,没几个月,就没感觉了。还那么小。哈哈。因为是有些原因的。。。 可是还是跟小男生的妹妹当上好朋友直到小学毕业,就没联络。

十一岁的时候,第一次交上我人生中最好的两个朋友。 直到现在,我们还有保持联络。


中学的那四年,也没什么可说的。简直是兰透顶。。 唯一的好事是交上中学最要好的朋友。以前参加同乐队,是名大喇叭手,第一次搭飞机出国 - 去澳洲比赛。虽然不是很好,可是也是生命中的四年。中二时,第一次出去打工,赚钱养自己。直到中四,小妹的补习老师鼓励我教补习。人生中的起跑点开始了。老师是我的生命中的第一个贵人。到现在,我还在低收费的帮小学生补习。


二十岁,毕业了。经融危机让小妹找不到工作,做临时工一年。后来找到的工作也不理想,被坑了。拿到第一份薪水,带全家上酒楼第一次吃饭。爸妈不舍得吃,结果菜都是我点的。最贵的套餐。哈哈哈。 虽然工作非常的,时间长,可是不可否认的,小妹在那学了很多东西。

二十四岁,谈上了第一次的恋爱。甜甜的,好好的感觉。虽然不久,可是非常珍惜。。 我们还是很好的朋友。恋爱,有好多第一次。。


再过几个月就二十七了。。 我还有多少个第一次?人生的感叹。。。。

Friday, April 17, 2009

Looking forward to....

Hee, it's been sometime since I wrote something here... Blog turning rusty...

Well.... I've been mostly rotting at home after work and on the weekends... Really feel lazy and tired to go anywhere or do anything... Last night, I feel so sad, coz the TV in my living room is spoilt. This also means that I can no longer watch TV. Blah~~~

My dear Shihua is getting married soon... In a month's time... I guess this is the first time I'm feeling so happy for a friend getting married. Perhaps she's one of my closest friend who was there for me all these years. We joked, talked heaven n earth... share secret.. Now she's getting married, it's just like I'm marrying off my elder sister.... Gal, may everyone bless you! Muacks!

Updated restaurant, haha

Hee, my updated restaurant.... populartiy 50.... the highest... heee....

Sunday, April 12, 2009

My Restaurant

My restaurant in Restaurant City @ Facebook.... tsk tsk

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

My farm in Facebook... heee

This is a screenshot of my farm in Farm Town. It's a bit small... lol...

Friday, April 3, 2009

Growing sidesway

Gosh... It's been a long time since I last weighed myself.. and today.. due to the "psycho-ing" of my colleague, we went to the RP library to weigh.....

It's time for me to really slim down... sob sob sob.... :(
So demoralizing....