Saturday, July 25, 2009

The past week...

The past week has been pretty hectic at work for me again. Sigh... hopefully with that project now closed, similar issues will not occur again and cause me mightmares and sleepless night...

Anyway, I met up with Apple on Monday evening after work to do hair treatment. She called me on Sun evening for K but I rejected her as I think I cannot take it due to the sleepless nights last weekend. However, we had a pretty long nice chat over the phone and I think she laughed till tummy pain becoz of some contents of the conversation. ;) It was pretty nice to meet up again after pretty long. Previously when studying, we alwiz had the luxury to go out... but after we started working, it's very difficult to arrange meetups. Lol...

Also, for the past few weeks, I've been going regular to the gym and though I'm not sure if there's a reduction in weight, I felt healthier and not as breathless when I climb the stairs of bridge. Was supposed to go today again (so as to make up 3 times a week)... But I was sneezing non stop the whole day. That stopped me from going coz I think I won't be able to complete the 2 rounds of circuit. :(

Coming week, one of our poly classmate is ROM-ing and inviting us for lunch/dinner at East Coast Chalet. I'm meeting Apple after work then go for dinner in the evening, but won't b staying long.. Still need to work on Thurs. Congrats to KG & Mabel on your ROM! :)

My rabbit is now pushing my leg with her nose to ask for a massage. haha... Pampered by her Ah Gong (my dad), she needs several 'massage" sessions daily, but I think I'll leave the sacred task to my dad... LOL... I love my Xiao bai... Woof woof... ;)

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Who cares?

I hope my wrist is ok... What happened to it? I dunno....

I dunno wat I'm rambling

Saturday, July 18, 2009

So tired but can't sleep

Help me... I'm feeling so tired and sleepy, but no matter what I do, I can't fall asleep.... I'm dying.. :(

Friday, July 17, 2009

Tummy full of....

Ya, I know it's been a really long time since I last updated my blog. Was pretty busy the past week plus fell ill for over a week the week before. Felt so lethargic and bad...

Anyway, that's not the worst. I think today's the worst day... For the whole day, nothing seems to have gone right. Whatever that could have gone wrong, went wrong... Right from the very time I reached office area, the stall selling kuehs and newspapers was not opened.. Then when I to to office and saw someone I din want to see (this person almost spoilt my whole day), on top of it, a whole chunk of email threads on an issue that have been on going for 2 weeks, but only today, we're told we've done things wrongly. The last email thread we saw, I tot we already had everthing sorted out, but in fact no, nothing was done and everyone said what they thought and no one else was updated and hence lots of descrepanices. Everything was back to square 1 after so many emails coz of communication breakdowns.I was tasked to clear up the mess by speaking to 2 parties who are apparently not talking and had to be the bridge. Finally, everything was sorted out during lunch time. But sigh... shitty work

Lunch did not go well at all.. not only I din get to eat well.... I even felt sick in the stomach. Hah... so nice... In the end, I think dun really have lunch time, as I was still working on my tickets and queues and email thru lunch while eating... Other than that, different other issues cropped up today too and the SG IT mgr, whom I'm not reporting to, came into the helpdesk room to speak so many times with me... Kaoz....

Then at knocking off time, I tot everything shld b pretty ok. But no!! Things went as wrong as they can be, from msn message to sms to call, I got shot on whatever that's possible. I feel those are not my fault, but well, mayb they really are!!!! All my fault...... It's not I'm not natural, all along that's me. Even when sometimes I see the boss or some other colleagues at the bus stop, I dun even look at him, not to mention talk to him or smile.... teach me, how to b natural? I'm a super un-natural person and sorry for ruining your weekend.

On my way back, I felt so stressed and sad, I think I cried on the train while going to the gym. that auntie standing near me, might have seen my red nose and teary eyes... I really needed to vent out a bit... Can no longer control my emotions after a long day with heavy workload and shit, plus no consolation... I think I broke down. Can no longer feel.... While walking from cck to the gym, I almost got knocked down by a lorry... There was no vehicle when I was crossing, but the lorry suddenly appeared and just horned. I can't imagine what I'd be like now if I din pause where I was when I heard the loud long horn. How worst can things get? I dunno, really dunno....

I need some enlightenment and some consolation.... :(