Saturday, July 25, 2009

The past week...

The past week has been pretty hectic at work for me again. Sigh... hopefully with that project now closed, similar issues will not occur again and cause me mightmares and sleepless night...

Anyway, I met up with Apple on Monday evening after work to do hair treatment. She called me on Sun evening for K but I rejected her as I think I cannot take it due to the sleepless nights last weekend. However, we had a pretty long nice chat over the phone and I think she laughed till tummy pain becoz of some contents of the conversation. ;) It was pretty nice to meet up again after pretty long. Previously when studying, we alwiz had the luxury to go out... but after we started working, it's very difficult to arrange meetups. Lol...

Also, for the past few weeks, I've been going regular to the gym and though I'm not sure if there's a reduction in weight, I felt healthier and not as breathless when I climb the stairs of bridge. Was supposed to go today again (so as to make up 3 times a week)... But I was sneezing non stop the whole day. That stopped me from going coz I think I won't be able to complete the 2 rounds of circuit. :(

Coming week, one of our poly classmate is ROM-ing and inviting us for lunch/dinner at East Coast Chalet. I'm meeting Apple after work then go for dinner in the evening, but won't b staying long.. Still need to work on Thurs. Congrats to KG & Mabel on your ROM! :)

My rabbit is now pushing my leg with her nose to ask for a massage. haha... Pampered by her Ah Gong (my dad), she needs several 'massage" sessions daily, but I think I'll leave the sacred task to my dad... LOL... I love my Xiao bai... Woof woof... ;)

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