Tuesday, March 31, 2009

More fruitful updates

Sigh... I've been trying to upload videos but they dun seem to work. Only lasted 2-3 secs then it stopped and rest of video is cut off. Anyone has any idea why?

Anyway here are more photos with regards to the weekend trip in Desaru. These are from Apple's camera and that why I only gotta upload them today. :D

2 pretty ladies, with their big mouths trying to eat the water apples.... yum yum yum....

The monkey... eating biscuits... It can even open a plastic bottle by its own to drink the contents - passion fruit juice

My beloved rabbits.... so cute.... and so nice

Me carrying the rabbit for a photo... the gril besides me was so curious, she requested me to put the rabbit on her hands, and asked me how to carry it correctly and if it will feel pain... so cute

Our sushi lunch box... home made one... very nice... plus a burger and lots of fruits from the fruit farm

Apple took this photo of me secretly while I was buying the curtains... the auntie in pink behind me is TM's mum... a very nice n friendly auntie. Apple's future mother-in-law... lol

Candid shot at the dinner restaurant.... Haha...

The infamous "dong bo rou", looks damn real right? It's actually vegeterian one... tastes nice....

My dear Apple got me this bouquet of bear/flower/chocolate.... Thanks dear! She said been wanting to get for me a long time ago, but din.. so yesterday when we saw at Jusco, she really went to buy for me! So touched... Belated V Day gift... Everyone else ask me who gave me, I said got a man in shopping center ran up to me and gave me... Haha.... Oops, I'm bad.... I lied but I said the truth in the end.... APPLE gave it to me! :)

Monday, March 30, 2009

Fruitful weekend

I've been feeling very tired since yesterday... Had a long tiring weekend and I guess that's why I feel so sleepy and can't seem to concentrate on anything much...

Fri evening, I had tuition till about 8.30pm and then I went online to surf net and chat around. Then Saturday afternoon, after my mum came back from work, we went tomb sweeping. We took a cab to Mount Vernon and my sis's bf came along too. Then after praying, we had dinner at Bugis area before heading home. By the time we got home, it was about 6pm and as it was a warm day, I felt like fainting after reaching home.... Had an early night as I was going to Desaru with the religious group....

On Sun morning @ 730am, met the rest of the group at Lot 1 and we took the coach to Desaru. I met the Chua family on the LRT and we walked together. It was pretty cool for us in the sense that the customs were not too crowded when we went and came back. :) We got to JB at about 8 plus and then had breakfast at a coffee shop in Taman Tebaru. Then we took the coach all the way to Kota Tinggi. It was a pretty long journey, about 1.5 hours. Apple took photos of the breakfast but I did not... Anyway, let the photos do the rest of the "talking" for the trip....

Big signboards everywhere in the Desaru Fruit Farm... It was a nice big place but the weather was too hot. I think I turned "black" after this trip. There were lots of different fruits around and I took many pics but dun think wanna update them all here.

Apple & Me... Taken at the nice pathway formed by the passion fruit passage. Those coiling plants you see in this pic are the passion fruits... smell nice

At the end of the passageway, we reached the herb garden. I love this part... Pretty flowers everywhere, very nice surroundings... The signboard says "Welcome to Herbal Garden" in case it's not visible.

Some of the herbs seen along the way. This is the infamous Turmeric. A kind of spice.

We were trying to hide behind the tree and bushes... like those Indian dance... haha... TM (Apple's bf) took this photo for me...

Sort of "meseum" in the fruit farm. These are various types of pineapples....

These yellow boxes... contain bees... Basically they are there to help in the flower's pollenation. I bought a big bottle of natural honey... Tastes nice and not very sweet...

Me, posing in front of the little pineapple

More herbs... This smells very nice.. forgot the name...

The infamous "Jambu", aka water apple... very nice.. I bought some home coz we can't get these in Singapore... :P

Signboard that describes it all.....

See.... so colorful and so big.. They are sweet too....

When we walked towards the end of the farm, we saw lots of animals... Can't help cuddling these cute rabbits here... So nice... Reminds me of my chou chou at home... :D

See, so cute.... Tsk tsk

Eeek.... python, everyone ran away when this man took the python out....

This mother monkey is carrying her baby monkey... Got very agitated when people surround the cage and will start biting her baby.. I guess she's afraid we will "steal" her baby so we moved away pretty fast... There was another monkey chained nearby... took photos of it too...

Next, we had lunch - Sushi roll and fruits as well as a burger at the Desaru beach. Quite a nice place but as it was really warm and hard to find a place to sit, we went to a hut and sat there for lunch for 30 mins before moving on.... To the Ostrich farm... Note both the Fruit Farm and Ostrich Farm were quite far from each other and there were lots of travelling. Though both are in "siwan" - 4th turn and "wuwan" - 5th turn... but both turns are very far from each other... :P

huge ostrich with the wings opened

So tall and huge. Whole place full of ostrich, wah.... very "zhuang guan"

An ostrich on the floor - bathing... that's wat the owner told us... Interesting thing to note, those ostrich with grey fur, are females... those with black furs and red becks are males... the males are generally more "fierce"

An ostrich walking towards us while we were listening to the briefing from the owner... She's looking for food - corn... At first we were so scared coz very near ua, but in the end we still fed it, haha...

The ostrich farm owner

This ostrich very cute.. she walked towards the centre of the stage and sat down herself and allowed the little girl to climb up....

Then it suddenly stood up and had her "ass" facing us and pooped and peed.... The smell is overwhelming... gosh

Me feeding ostrich... Hee.... the little boy in yellow used to be my student. He took his PSLE last year and I'm no longer teaching him....

Me, "performing" a stunned by standing on 2 ostrich eggs without breaking them... Even big sized uncles won't break them by standing on them..

Holding the eggs... they are about 1.5kg each and 1 ostrich egg = 25 normal eggs.... The owner told us, the male ostrich are very strong.. 1 male can mate with 5-6 females daily... Wah, power lor...

The baby ostrichs... at 4 weeks.

These are at 2 weeks...

And finally, the artistic ostrich eggs... Very expensive though pretty....

Then we went back to JB and shopped at the new Jusco at the junction of Kota Tinggi. Bought a few stuffs from there as we had 1.5 hours to shop. Then we had had dinner near the customs at a vegeterian restaurant. It took a very long time to serve 8 dishes as there were only 1 cook and the place is pretty crowded with other customers. We took up 4 tables as there were 44 of us... The food is very very nice and something new for a change. :D

After dinner, the coach took us back to Singapore. Luckily there was no jam, so clearance was pretty fast and I got home at about 9.30pm... Packed the stuffs I bought and bathed, then off to bed I went. It's very tiring but fruitful trip....

Sunday, March 22, 2009

I'm back...

Yeah, I know, it's been about 2 weeks since I last updated my blog... Was pretty tired and lazy the past 2 weeks mah.... Too enthu into watching the Korean show and doing other stuffs....

Let's see... I took leave on Friday (20 Mar) becoz originally had wanted to go JB to attend my cousin's wedding... But due to some unforeseen circumstances (mainly due to my parents and my worry for them to go thru the new customs alone)... Yes, we did go JB in CNY and the new customs started by then, but at that time, my bro drove the family in, so strictly speaking, this would b the first time we're crossing the causeway using the new customs for passengers.

Anyways, we went JB yesterday afternoon after my mum came back from work. It was going to rain very soon, so I suggested taking a cab from home to causeway... It was a great idea, coz it did starting pouring damn heavy while we were on the expressway. It took us less than 10 mins to reach and we had to cross the 2 customs. The JB new CIQ building really bo liao.. So many escalators, but most of them are not working. Wonder how those old people and people with young kids go thru the customs.... Sigh.... By the time we got to Granny's house, it was almost 5pm... Took a rest there b4 my 6th aunt came to pick us up to the restaurant at about 7pm. As usual, the dinner din start till after 8pm.. But it wasn't as bad as here... most weddings I attended in SG... Would have started the earliest at 8.45pm... Gosh... It was a nice n warm event seeing my closest male cousin getting married... My other cousins were like... forcing so many drinks down his throat.. lol... His wife was spared coz of the BB in the tummy.... :P By the time it ended and everyone else left, it was 11 plus when we got back to Granny's house. Then sat down to chat w Granny and my mum....

They are planning to go Taiwan this Oct and wants me to take leave to bring them there coz my mum knew I went in 2006 with Apple on a free & easy... :P I guess it's not easy with old folks ard... and also I might not b able to apply for leave, so let's see how it goes... We had lunch at Granny's place today b4 coming home. 6th aunt sent us to the customs and luckily it was earily and so there were no jams, juz long walking distance in the JB building (approximately 15-25 mins) depnding on walking speed. I read in the JB newspapers this morning too that thie govt are planning to reopen the old customs coz lots of Malaysians who go thru the customs daily are saying it's not effective and stupid (cannot even walk to JB thru causeway) with the new customs. Those who've been there would have known what I meant... tsk tsk...

Sigh, back to work tomorrow after a long weekend. Felt so very lazy.

P.S: I failed again my idol.... I wanna go jog on Fri morning one... but in the end I din and started backing up and formatting my PC (due to virus issues for weeks) early in the morning... Blah~, become so plump liao... how? :P

Monday, March 9, 2009

The past week

Heee, I was holed up at home most time the past weeks.... I'm addicted to a Korean show which I started watching only last last Sat on 28 Feb... and to date, I've completed 62 episodes... and it's still on-going. The show is pretty nice and family-based. The title of this show is "妻子的诱惑".

Basically, it's a story telling how a woman turned from a very kind and nice person into someone full of revenge. And the cause of these problems is because her hubby of 7 years got involved with her best friends 6 years back and even had a kid who's 5 years old. When the affair happens, the other woman was sent overseas by the man for further studies in cosmestic, without knowing she's pregnant. Then 5 years later, this woman came back from France and decided she wanna "own" this man, so as to provide a complete family to the child. But alas, things cannot go wrong anymore coz at the same time, the wife got pregnant too... after 7 long years. Then the man's father only acknowledge the wife's unborn shild, so the man decided to drown his wife.... She survived and got aided by another rich family.... and revenge started.... It's really a must watch show!!! Haha....

Met up with Shihua last Wednesday too. I needed to go to my school to collect my transcript so we dated to meet up at Plaza Singapore. I reached very early so decided to go do pedicure... But sorry to have made my dear waited so long lar... Dunno y, the nails simply refused to dry up... Heee... Then we went to Ajisen for noodles and had a long interesting chat... Tsk tsk.... My dear is getting married in May this year and I'm so happy for her!!! Must remember to invite me to your home ah.. but not to be a maid.. Also, do not post my phone on your blog hor... I so ugly. :P

My right arm was so very very pain over the weekend. Somehow, I think my sleeping position was a bit wrong, and so when I woke up from a nap a Sat afternoon, it was very pain... I cannot even lift it up normally. Worst when it comes to bathing or changing clothes... Tears wanna come out liao... Then yesterday it was equally bad... and I requested my mum to help me "tui" it for a few times.. Heng today a bit more normal. Can take things and also lift up slightly... Else I think I'd be very sad in office here... Heee....

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Tonight's dinner

This is the dinner I cooked tonight... Mee Hoon kuay... Very nice and "Q" coz the kuay also made by me & mum.... QQ feeling, shiok....

Gathering cum surprise Birthday party for Victor Eng!

Firstly, would like to take this chance to wish an early birthday to Victor! His birthday is on 4th March and the rest of the people had planned a surprise party for me. I only got to know it when I arrived at Huixin & Victor's house yesterday afternoon...

It was a nice session with lots of nice food and pretty/handsome people in the gathering and 2 cute little babies... Heee.... I arrived early and made bread sushi for everyone and they all said it's nice... :D Following that, we had dinner and then some games, as well as the surprise for Victor. We got him & Weiyao to walk the dog Cobi together and only managed to set the place up for the surpise. He was pretty surprised that we did it though Huixin, his wife suspects he knew about this earlier... Heee....

Next photos to tell stories...

The nice Perenakan food Victor ordered from the restaurant... yum yum.. nice nice though I din eat a lot. was pretty full so only ate a bit of everything lar... The Ngoh hiong nice nice!

Group photos before the dinner! :D
Front row from left: Weiling, Huixin's younger sis (forgot her name), Huiyu, Big Cindy & baby Louisha, Weiyao, Andy, me & Yanling

Everyone concentrating on Baby Theodore playing on his own and entertaining himself!

See.... So happy, walking around and we are all learning to speak baby language to "talk" to him... tsk tsk...

Baby Theodore with his mummy, Peiling.... Most of them were in Peranekan's clothes last night.. But I din buy so I wore something simple... heee...

Decorating the place while Victor & Weiyao were out walking the dog...

That's me... candid shot

Auntie Cindy with Mummy Cindy's (Tiah) baby.... Baby Louisha.... I love her! Mummy cindy commented that auntie cindy really have a way with babies! ;)

Sitting in her "chair" on her own... heee, so cute...

Bday cake... Very cool right? Huixin and her sis got a shop to specially decorate it for Victor. The car on the cake, is a miniature of his real car in life. He was so touched and din bear to eat the "car"....

Birthday "boy" with his Baba look... the Sarong n the fake knife brought by Bryant, Peiling's hubby...

Baby Louisha with Aunties Cindy, Huiyu & Weiling

Group photo again.. I like this photo... :D