Sunday, March 22, 2009

I'm back...

Yeah, I know, it's been about 2 weeks since I last updated my blog... Was pretty tired and lazy the past 2 weeks mah.... Too enthu into watching the Korean show and doing other stuffs....

Let's see... I took leave on Friday (20 Mar) becoz originally had wanted to go JB to attend my cousin's wedding... But due to some unforeseen circumstances (mainly due to my parents and my worry for them to go thru the new customs alone)... Yes, we did go JB in CNY and the new customs started by then, but at that time, my bro drove the family in, so strictly speaking, this would b the first time we're crossing the causeway using the new customs for passengers.

Anyways, we went JB yesterday afternoon after my mum came back from work. It was going to rain very soon, so I suggested taking a cab from home to causeway... It was a great idea, coz it did starting pouring damn heavy while we were on the expressway. It took us less than 10 mins to reach and we had to cross the 2 customs. The JB new CIQ building really bo liao.. So many escalators, but most of them are not working. Wonder how those old people and people with young kids go thru the customs.... Sigh.... By the time we got to Granny's house, it was almost 5pm... Took a rest there b4 my 6th aunt came to pick us up to the restaurant at about 7pm. As usual, the dinner din start till after 8pm.. But it wasn't as bad as here... most weddings I attended in SG... Would have started the earliest at 8.45pm... Gosh... It was a nice n warm event seeing my closest male cousin getting married... My other cousins were like... forcing so many drinks down his throat.. lol... His wife was spared coz of the BB in the tummy.... :P By the time it ended and everyone else left, it was 11 plus when we got back to Granny's house. Then sat down to chat w Granny and my mum....

They are planning to go Taiwan this Oct and wants me to take leave to bring them there coz my mum knew I went in 2006 with Apple on a free & easy... :P I guess it's not easy with old folks ard... and also I might not b able to apply for leave, so let's see how it goes... We had lunch at Granny's place today b4 coming home. 6th aunt sent us to the customs and luckily it was earily and so there were no jams, juz long walking distance in the JB building (approximately 15-25 mins) depnding on walking speed. I read in the JB newspapers this morning too that thie govt are planning to reopen the old customs coz lots of Malaysians who go thru the customs daily are saying it's not effective and stupid (cannot even walk to JB thru causeway) with the new customs. Those who've been there would have known what I meant... tsk tsk...

Sigh, back to work tomorrow after a long weekend. Felt so very lazy.

P.S: I failed again my idol.... I wanna go jog on Fri morning one... but in the end I din and started backing up and formatting my PC (due to virus issues for weeks) early in the morning... Blah~, become so plump liao... how? :P

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