Monday, March 9, 2009

The past week

Heee, I was holed up at home most time the past weeks.... I'm addicted to a Korean show which I started watching only last last Sat on 28 Feb... and to date, I've completed 62 episodes... and it's still on-going. The show is pretty nice and family-based. The title of this show is "妻子的诱惑".

Basically, it's a story telling how a woman turned from a very kind and nice person into someone full of revenge. And the cause of these problems is because her hubby of 7 years got involved with her best friends 6 years back and even had a kid who's 5 years old. When the affair happens, the other woman was sent overseas by the man for further studies in cosmestic, without knowing she's pregnant. Then 5 years later, this woman came back from France and decided she wanna "own" this man, so as to provide a complete family to the child. But alas, things cannot go wrong anymore coz at the same time, the wife got pregnant too... after 7 long years. Then the man's father only acknowledge the wife's unborn shild, so the man decided to drown his wife.... She survived and got aided by another rich family.... and revenge started.... It's really a must watch show!!! Haha....

Met up with Shihua last Wednesday too. I needed to go to my school to collect my transcript so we dated to meet up at Plaza Singapore. I reached very early so decided to go do pedicure... But sorry to have made my dear waited so long lar... Dunno y, the nails simply refused to dry up... Heee... Then we went to Ajisen for noodles and had a long interesting chat... Tsk tsk.... My dear is getting married in May this year and I'm so happy for her!!! Must remember to invite me to your home ah.. but not to be a maid.. Also, do not post my phone on your blog hor... I so ugly. :P

My right arm was so very very pain over the weekend. Somehow, I think my sleeping position was a bit wrong, and so when I woke up from a nap a Sat afternoon, it was very pain... I cannot even lift it up normally. Worst when it comes to bathing or changing clothes... Tears wanna come out liao... Then yesterday it was equally bad... and I requested my mum to help me "tui" it for a few times.. Heng today a bit more normal. Can take things and also lift up slightly... Else I think I'd be very sad in office here... Heee....

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