Sunday, August 2, 2009


Yeah... I should have posted this sometime last week, but as I was pretty busy at work and then very tired and lazy after work, hence I din... postponed till today then decided to sit down and blog.. tsk tsk...

Last weekend was pretty fun. On Sun noon time, I was supposed to meet Apple at the bus stop near my home, so we can take the bus and train to AMK to Shihua's house. I tot Apple would be pretty fast walking down but in the end, I waited for almost 20 mins for her.. And the reason of her lateness is becoz she's fascinated with the stuffs sold at the market opposite my home.. Lol.. She needs to pass by there to the bus stop she's meeting me at, from Baozhu-jie house... In the end, met Junhan there and it was a nice catchup. Been a really long time since I din see him. Wished him happy belated birthday too.

We took 171 to Yishun and then train to AMK and dear Shihua brought her mini-maltese Ookii to meet us and bring us to her home. Ookii seemed pretty friendly with us along the way, but things turned "ugly" the moment we stepped into her home. I think Ookii might think we're invaders since they've not had any visitors in the home before. She kept barking at us non stop and even "charged" at me when I stepped in, till I freaked out. Omg... haha.... so comical. Even when she was blocked by her fence, the moment she saw us, she barked non stop. For the 2 hours we were there, the poor dog was barking and barking. I felt so paiseh and afraid will disturb their neighbours... Shihua made us some mango pudding and it's nice and I like the Tiramisu cake too... :D Thanks dear for the great reception that afternoon. :D

At about 3.30pm, we took the train downtown and was chatting non stop on the train, all kinds of topics... Alighted at Dhoby Ghaut and went to crocs but as there were no stock there on the models we were looking for, so we walked to nearby OG. Me & Apple bought a pair each and I was thinking, this time round.. won't leg pain anymore. But I was so wrong... Still pain, haha... :P I think my delicated legz not suited for covered shoes. After that, me & Apple rushed off to Teck Whye and met some others from religious class to have dinner there b4 they went for a meeting. I then came home myself. It's fruitful day and nice visiting Shihua's & Mr Lee's home... :)

Then on Wed evening, it was ROM for one of our poly classmates. Met up with Apple @ Dhoby Ghaut again at about 6 plus, then we took 36 to Parkway Parade b4 walking in to East Coast. And I was wearing that pair of crocs again and I think I changed over 5 pieces of plasters on my legz but still din help. My legz even cramped badly and we wasted abt 10 mins sitting down before we can walk further. Upon reaching the walkway @ the beach, I felt so pain.. I decided to take off the shoes and walked barefooted... Heee... It took us more than 20 mins to walk from 1 end of the beach to the other, where the chalet was. Though tiring, at least we made it there... :D Congrats to Kim Guan & Mabel on your ROM! Thanks for the invitation that evening. :)

At the end of it, Eugene sent us to Bugis area and I took a cab home, my legz are too pain to walk anymore to take the bus or MRT... LOL...

Went for religious class last night though I was nursing a sore throat and a painful neck & shoulder. I skipped the classes almost whole of July.. Tsk tsk... I think I sprained my neck quite badly on Fri night and when I woke yesterday morning, I couldn't move my neck at all and felt the whole head exploding. mum helped me massage b4 I went out yesterday and I went to bed after reaching home last night.. Heng this morning when I woke, it's much better. Only a little pain today on the left side.. :) Nice catching up with Hui-zi last night too.. Mei, think u very heaty... Must remember to drink more water and take care! Gambatte!!!

I'm so sleepy.. Time for bed now.... Another new week starting soon... ;)
Good nite everyone.

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