Saturday, October 24, 2009

Happy 21st Birthday to my sis & Lasik updates

Firstly, Happy 21st Birthday to my kid sister! Today is her birthday and we brought her out to dinner last evening at the market coffeeshop zi char. She had wanted to go to Jack's Place for dinner, but becoz of my last min lasik changes, we had to "jiang jiu" and go to the coffeeshop, else I'd not be able to make it on time for my lasik surgery. I din buy her any presents but gave her some cash to spend instead. I think it's more feasible this way. She can choose what she wants to do with the cash.

Ok, now back to the happening events that took place yesterday... I had my lasik pre-evaluation appointment at 10am in the morning at LSC at Paragon. It was pretty organized and fast even though there are many people at the clinic. The nurses there are nice and polite and helpful. There were quite a lot of tests in the eval and many stations to go to. One thing that really surprised me was.. all along, I tot my myopia for my eyes were around 700, but upon checking, it was almost 1000 on my left eye and 800 on right. I asked the nurse who checked my eyes on that station how that is possible, since my contacts have been 700 for over 4 years and I can see clearly. She said contacts is not very accurate..... Duhz.. No wonder, coz I've not changed my glasses for 3 years since I dun wear them much. :P

After all the tests were done, including the dilation of the pupils, which made my eyes really uncomfortable, I had to wait over 30 mins to see the doc as he was in the surgery. Though I was first in q to see the doc, I still had to wait that long. And the consultation was only less than 10 mins..

After that, I proceeded to the main counter and the executive there explained to me on the differences on the different types of procedures available. My eyes are suitable for all kinds of lasik, and I was free to choose. I had only very slight astig, so it's only if I din take the ex package. But the executive told me the pros and cons of each package, so I decided to take the VISX Wavefront LASIK (IntraLase) which costs abt $4.2k after GST and I'm paying by installments... Duhz..

Originally I had wanted to schedule for the surgery in mid Nov but the executive told me that the sooner the better, so the eval results would not differ a lot. There was an empty slot yesterday night at 8pm and she advised me to take that up, So I can be back in office on Mon... And I did.. I was thinking might as well once and for all, dun drag. Things were happening so fast, my mind was in a whirl... Haha.. I had to rush to a bank in Raffles area and then rush home for dinner with family and take a bath (as no washing of face n hair 48 hours after surgery) and then rush back to Paragon for the surgery. Somemore they called me at 5 plus and see if possible to reach by 7 as doc was available. I rejected and went for the 7.30pm slot instead...

Mum had wanted to accompany me there but as she's working very early everyday so I rejected and went myself and a nurse brought me down to cab stand to take cab after the surgery. Honestly, while I was waiting for my turn at the rest area, I was really nervous and anxious. Glad that the nurses there helped me calm down a lot. After I was equipped with the surgery gownrobe, headwear, "shoes" and mask, I was admitted into the OT. There were quite a number of nurses there and Dr Marc Tay was very assuring and will tell what's the next step that comes along, so I can be mentally prepared. I think the whole procedure took less than 15 mins and there was no pain at all... Just very very smoky feel right after the surgery...

When I got home, I took the sleeping pill immediately but I can't get to sleep... There was a very uncomfortable feeling in my right eye so I took the 2nd sleeping pill. But I guess the eye shield also prevented me from resting. Honestly I dunno what time I fell asleep, but when I woke this morning, my shield were on the floor, hahaha... At least the eyes no longer feel pain or uncomfortable and I can see well. :D I then took the bus down to LSC again for my review. Dr Tay told me my eyes are healing well, but the sharp feeling in the right eye was becoz of the edge of the cornea that was cut. All I need to do is rest well and keep the eye moisturized. And indeed after I reached home a few moments ago, it was ok already. :D

Now life without specs or contact lenses is so convenient! Yeah!!!

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