Saturday, February 13, 2010

Eve of CNY

Today is the eve of Chinese New Year! Hereby, I'd like to wish everyone a very happy Tiger CNY! I've already received lots of sms greetings but have yet to reply. Been so busy the whole of today preparing the food and stuffs for the praying sessions as well as reunion steamboat, I din have time to sit down and rest. So do my parents!

We had to prepare for the morning praying session and then clean the house and then prepare the food for the steamboat. What we din expect is during dinner, my aunt from my dad's side turned up and visited us. It was pretty bz... As I'm typing this.. I'm taking a short rest before preparing the fruits and vege for the praying. After praying, I have to rush to Baozhu-jie house to assist her and Apple for the praying session there too. After everything is done, I guess I will reach home after 2am already.... Feeling so tired.

P.S: After so long.. I finally got my camera yesterday from Guardian - A Samsung ES60 for $149. :) Cool... Thx to idol for the tips on the cheap camera. :)

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