Saturday, February 6, 2010

Shopping n K with Apple

Yesterday after work, I met up with dearest Apple @ JP for dinner and shopping. She wanted to buy some new year clothes, so I went with her. I din not buy anything as nothing much interest me and Shihua already got me a nice shirt on our previous outing. Apple din get anything much too. LOL...

In the end, our singing urge came and we walked to Jurong Safra and sang there. It's pretty ex for only 3 hours plus of singing but it was a great enjoyable night with her! It's been so long since we last sang together. And oh, not to mention... the aircon there is SO SO SO cold!~ Apple still had long sleeve t shirt and jeans on.. while I was only in t shirt and a mini skirt.... hoho... In the end, I trembled all the way thru the singing session and then we shared a cab back home... hee...

We should meet up more often like that lar... Got a lot to chat about... LOL

Some pics we took... Apple took with her iPhone.. haha

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