Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy CNY & VDay to everyone!

Oh yes, today is not only CNY but VDay.... So rare for both of these occasions to fall together. :)
Happy Tiger year & Happy Valentine's to everyone!
I was right... I got home at 2 plus last nite, thanks to TM for the ride home. :)
I got into bed after a short bath and fell asleep immediately. And this morning at 9 plus, I woke up already. I guess partly becoz of the noise in the neighbourhood as well as the sounds my mum made when she was bz in the kitchen.

I juz finished cooking lunch and after eating, we'd be heading to Granny's house in JB to bai nian. Hee... Once in a year then all of us cousins will gather together. Other times, it's pretty difficult as everyone's bz with work and their lives. I missed my 2 little nephews a lot and hope I can see them soon tonight.!

Off to JB after lunch... Will be back soon~

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