Sunday, March 7, 2010

I'm so tired plus other updates...

I'm feeling so tired.. We had religious class last nite and youth class this morning... So long din go for these events on 2 consecutive days, I feel so tired... haha...

But anyway, the new computer table and chairs arrived on time yesterday. But the table width is too short and I'm not that satisfied. And when I went to buy it, the boss told me there's a drawer and it turned out to be only a piece of wood blocking, that LOOKS LIKE a table... Gosh... Kinda disappointed... :(

After going back to the furniture shop to verify and in order not to cause too many issues etc, we took the desk... Came back and cleaned the desk and took about 2 hours, together with my dad's assistance to setup the comp and other stuffs on the new desk. We cleaned every part of the computer and all the wires and that's why it took so long...

Following that, I went to the gym. Was supposed to take my statistics at 2pm but I only managed to reach there at about 3.30pm, but still we managed to get the measurements done. Good news is that all my stats have dropped though not that much. I'm pretty satisfied with how the BMI and fat levels dropped and the water level went up. :D I'm starting to learn to take cereals too instead of my normal fav fried bee hoon. Need to cut down on fried bee hoon... heee...

After the gym session, I met Apple @ West Mall with the idea of buying an iPhone at M1, but the queues are so long, we gave up the idea and headed to Wenhui's house for dinner and the religious class session. It was pretty nice to attend the class again after a few weeks' break. Nice catching up with everyone too, esp Wenhui mei. :D Got home at only about 11pm. And oh, I scared myself while at the Marsiling bus stop as I couldn't find my phone. Luckily Cuijuan and Zhenyi were with me and they helped me to flip the whole bag over + call to locate the phone. hee... blur me.. Thanks gals! :)

Then today morning, we had the monthly youth class. I was tasked to teach some stuffs to the youths b4 the actual class started, and I thought making flowers with straws will be interesting and shouldn't b a difficult task. But I was wrong! With so many ppl attending, it was hard for me to demo in front on what exactly needs to be done and not everyone can see what I was done. Aslo, there were other hiccups like not enough time to cut the sellotape etc. In the end, the session overshot by 15 mins. :( Felt bad on that.... By 2pm, I came home and felt really really tired!

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