Monday, March 1, 2010

New furniture!

Yesterday evening, went to the furniture shop at the market with mum and sis. We bought a new computer table as well as 2 computer chairs and a new shui zhuang tai for my mum's room. Mum paid for the purchase this time round! The new furniture will be arriving this Saturday afternoon and I'm so looking forward to it... But honestly, even more looking forward to the new beds coming in end of the month...

My current bed is still usable, but I think it's been too long and the bites appearing on my body could be due to bedbugs. So might as well 1 go change all of those. This year we spent a lot of $$ on furnitures, but I guess it's worth it...

The weather nowadays are so so so hot.. I feel like I'm melting anytime soon... Hopefully it rains sometime soon... Heee....

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