Saturday, July 3, 2010

Congrats to Bobby & Shena! :)

Congrats to Bobby and Shena who got engaged today in Fo Guang Shan @ Punggol.
I knew Bobby back since secondary 1 from my CCA - Military Band and it was a coincidence we were in the same CCA in Ngee Ann Poly once again. :)

It was actually really a coincidence for me to join Buddhist Society back then, thanks to my sec skool best fren Corina. Else, I think I'd have joined something else coz all along I felt I'm not a religious person. :P And so, Bobby was once again my senior in NPBS. :) He's 6 years older than me, so I really din expect us to be pretty close.. LOL...

But anyway, it was really nice and sweet to see him and Shena getting ROMed today! Nice chance to meetup with my other seniors from NPBS (some whom I contact often) as well as my long lost frens from AESMB (Military Band). I remembered I attended Ruoyin's wedding few years back and now she has a really pretty and lovely baby girl! :)

Here are some photos to share, which were taken at Fo Guang Shan today:-

NPBS group photo

AESMB group photo

Me & Cindy Tiah & Andy's daughter, Louisha... She ah... very cute one, keep looking for me... haha

See how cheeky she is? Ask her for a "two", she purposely gives a "four", haha...

Baby Veleda (Weiyao & Yanling daughter) wanna kiss Louisha jie jie...

Me & Baby Louisha... After this photo was taken, she keeps wanna me to hug hug her and dun want to come down...

Me & Baby Veleda... Super cute, even ppl whom we dunno also asked to take pics with her!

The parents & their kids! :) - Cindy Tian & Andy and Weiyao & Yanling

After the event, had a short but nice evening! Simple & nice dinner plus a very nice walk along the reservoir! :D

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