Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Gastric flu~ :(

What a yucky day yesterday! :(
I went for lunch and right after lunch, when riding the escalator, my stomach felt really sick and I puked so damn much at the base of the escalator. I think those near me were so shocked... Really dun mean to create the mess but I din have time to run to the other end of CWP for toilets to puke in.

After vomiting, I still felt really sick and giddy for a few mins. Was searching my pouch for some tissues but cannot find.. Luckily, a kind lady who walked by passed me some tissues, really life-saving for that moment... And my colleague who went to lunch with me was someplace else buying something... Felt so lost and giddy then. Glad that I did not pass out. :P

I felt so much better after vomiting and when the giddiness subside, I called my colleague to inform we'll be meeting later as I need to go toilet to clear up the mess on my legs. Took me almost 2 hours for lunch today, sigh... Went to the doc after I got back to office. Was really glad for the first time, we have bathrooms in the building and I can washed my legs and shoes... Else gotta stick with the smell and stickiness till I reach home...

Doc confirmed it, I had GASTRIC FLU! Gosh... So sucky...
Felt so much better today... It was really bad yesterday, though I only puke 2 times, but the diarrhea was really bad, especially after taking some porridge for dinner... And fever came along too... Am so glad I feel much better today. :)

P.S: Thanks Lynn mei for sms-ing me! Hee, a bit unexpected. :) Felt so much better already! Muacks...

And oh, I failed my BTE by 2 questions... so gotta retake it next week again. Pray for me that I'd pass!

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