Saturday, July 24, 2010

I passed basic theory!

Hee, yes... A bit unexpected, I passed my basic theory on my first attempt today.
Well, all along I was never confident in any tests or exams, especially MCQs.. I dunno why, never seem to get high marks in the first place, But I did today! :)

However, things were not that smooth. Those who have taken basic theory for driving will know when you enter the room with your identity card, the examiner will point you to your allocated seat. It so happened that I was allocated a seat along the row, just next to the door. 10 mins into the test, I was already more than 1/2 way done... 27 out of 50 questions done, when suddenly the system went haywire... Every one of us in that row, 6 in fact.. All the systems started hanging... And yes, when I meant hang, it means the system is not responding at all.

The examiners were asked to check and they too have no idea what's going on. From 2 examiners to 4, all of them had no idea. And becoz it was a Sat, I think they had a hard time reaching NCS for advice. When they finally got to them, request of reboots of the row of machines were called upon. However, after the reboot, there was no luck... ended sitting there for more than 30 mins juz to get the systems working again. :\

Luckily, the systems were able to resume to the last questions we attempted and we can continue from there. No need to start right from beginning again. I took less than 15 mins after that to complete and got 93%, hahaha... And I got my PDL already. Final theory has been booked for end Sept. :\ Hopefully it's not as screwy as today...


  1. Don't worry about FTT. BTT is the hard one. Lots of things to remember. If you're already driving on the roads, FTT will be very easy. I finished my FTT in 7 minutes and got them all correct. :P

  2. Haha, honestly, all along, I've a strong fear of driving... I dunno if I will screw things up on the first practical... Super kan chiong... You power lar, FTT in 7 mins and 100% :P

  3. Oh, btw.. u private or school? From BBDC?

  4. Private, at BBDC. Don't need to be worried about driving. So many ppl are driving on the roads everyday, how difficult can it be?
