Thursday, March 31, 2011

Here goes March!

Time really flies and March is gone~
I've been happy the past 2 weeks for no obvious reasons and I guess that's really good... Hee...

I've been planning on a Taiwan trip and will be going with my Granny, parents, aunt and 2 neighbors on week of 18 April... A bit shang nao jin as till now still can't find suitable caregiver for my dear rabbit, Xiaobai! :(

Sunday, March 20, 2011

A weekend date with Ms Tay!

Ms Corina Tay is my best fren from sec skool and we met up over the last 2 days catching up and cooking... haha...

Well, she rented a flat nearby our place for a tuition centre and I dropped by.. Seeing how dusty the flat was and how dirty the floor was, I suggested to her to get it cleaned up. We were out on Sat afternoon buying stuffs to cook noodles for lunch and ended up buying too much so we were too lazy to move around.. Haha...

So we met up on Sunday again after her tuition and started cleaning the place up. She took care of the kitchen while I swept and mopped the floor as well as clean the toilet in the master bedroom. We took about 2 hours for everything and I was feeling dead after that.. But we still conserved some energy and took the bus to the plaza to buy stuffs so we can cook sushi. It was our first attempt cooking the sushi rice and it's not bad.. Quite easy, following the instructions on the rice package.

We then wrapped up the rice rolls and had a great time eating and laughing together.. haha... Did not expect myself to be doing housework over the weekend at that place instead of my own home.. haha.. But it was worthwhile and fruitful, seeing how clean the place is now... haha...

Thanks dear for the sushi treat on Sun! :D

P.S: We did take some pics using Corina's phone but did not get the pics from her yet.. so cannot post! :(

Monday, March 14, 2011

What's the world coming to?

We've all known of the triple disaster that's happening in Japan right now after the mega earthquake last Friday. I've been following the news pretty closely and my heart went out to them.. In fact, we do have a office in Japan but luckily, we heard that all employees and their families were safe in Tokyo.

In fact, my boss will be traveling there later this week for the office move with some other colleagues but I think the trip will most probably be canceled. One of my colleagues in the IT dept was saying... He's an Indian citizen and there's no India embassy in Japan, so if anything happens, there's no place for him to seek help from.. Sigh...

Oh well... Am glad at least my sec skool best fren is back from her Hong Kong trip safely!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Dead tired after a trip to the zoo

I'm feeling so so tired and lethargic after a day at the zoo yesterday with my cousins and 6th aunts... The 2 kids are really good and excited though this is not the first time I've brought them there.

Last year, I brought them once and I did again yesterday as I had a corporate pass and was able to bring them for FOC... Ok, here are some pics to share~

Yilin and Hwayi with the white tigers

Yilin with the Asian elephant statue and little Hwayi is trying to be funnie from the side.. haha

Me with Yilin.. The kids insisted on sitting at the front row to watch the elephants show, so I had to take out the brolly to block us from the "rain" from the elephants'

Me with the kids.. Self-taken pic.. Not bad hor? Haha...

The elephants.. This is the second time they're watching but still amazed and totally in love with the show... hee...

Mum with 2 kids~

Boat ride

Gigantic rabbits.. at least twice the size of my rabbit at home.. LOL

Gigantic turtles... First time seeing them! Wow...

Not ez to take a nice pic of the forever moving parrot... haha...

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

It's March...

Wow, can't believe how time flies... Yesterday seemed to be just Jan 2011 and now it's already March! Can't deny that I'm getting old... Soon to be 30, LOL...

The past month has been pretty busy and hectic but I think it was a very fruitful month work and personal wise... Let's hope I can keep things up for the rest of the year!