Sunday, March 20, 2011

A weekend date with Ms Tay!

Ms Corina Tay is my best fren from sec skool and we met up over the last 2 days catching up and cooking... haha...

Well, she rented a flat nearby our place for a tuition centre and I dropped by.. Seeing how dusty the flat was and how dirty the floor was, I suggested to her to get it cleaned up. We were out on Sat afternoon buying stuffs to cook noodles for lunch and ended up buying too much so we were too lazy to move around.. Haha...

So we met up on Sunday again after her tuition and started cleaning the place up. She took care of the kitchen while I swept and mopped the floor as well as clean the toilet in the master bedroom. We took about 2 hours for everything and I was feeling dead after that.. But we still conserved some energy and took the bus to the plaza to buy stuffs so we can cook sushi. It was our first attempt cooking the sushi rice and it's not bad.. Quite easy, following the instructions on the rice package.

We then wrapped up the rice rolls and had a great time eating and laughing together.. haha... Did not expect myself to be doing housework over the weekend at that place instead of my own home.. haha.. But it was worthwhile and fruitful, seeing how clean the place is now... haha...

Thanks dear for the sushi treat on Sun! :D

P.S: We did take some pics using Corina's phone but did not get the pics from her yet.. so cannot post! :(

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