Saturday, February 28, 2009

My artpiece

Trala, my completed art piece.... I started sewing sometime in Dec last year and completed it 100% in office yesterday... Sense of achievement coz I only took free office hours to sew... tsk tsk...

This was by end of Thursday, onli left outline for the boy boy not done yet...

And here we go, the 100% completed artpiece done on Friday evening before I left for work... Supposed to be a pouch but it's a challenge to make this into a pouch. :P

Thursday, February 26, 2009


今天的我,觉得好累。。。 第一次,用华语来记录。。。 好像有一点不知所措。。。 嘻嘻。。。

就像前两天,我正在和一位 user 通电话。他的电子邮件有一些问题,然后我帮他做了一些更改,而且告诉他。。 需要做一些 cleanup to resolve the problem.

Me: Sir, your Outlook seems to be working fine now. But I noticed that your Inbox has over 50000 emails. It'd be best if you can clear them up as MS has advised that if your Inbox has over 10,000 items, it will slow down the performance issue.

User: Oh, that sounds great. How do I go about doing it? I'm been working here for the past 3 years and have a lot of emails. I thought there's some kind of auto-archiving in place to help?

Me: Yeah, you're right. Indeed we do have that. But as your email items are too large in the Inbox, it's advisable to create sub-folders and drag those items from inbox to the sub-folders.

User: How do you do that? Is it difficult for me to do it myself?

Me: No, this is pretty simple. I can show you how to perform this through a remote session but you'd need to decide how you want to archive those items. Also, I'd be sending you a link shortly on the Outlook BREAST practices.......

*I went quiet after that, coz I know I said something very wrong... I meant to say "Outlook BEST practices".

在那一刹那,我觉得非常的尴尬!可是,我得说完我想说的话。。。。 我当作没这么一回事,中雨,把电话挂断。。。 突然间,我的身边传来好大声的笑声!!! 我的同事们,一一的大笑起来!赢了咯!一直到今天,他们还在笑我!! 可怜的我!! 

以前, 他们也笑过我。。 因为,我在接听了我的手机,却说出我们在工作上所用的 greeting... "aaa helpdesk, this is Cindy speaking. Can I have your UserID?" 超搞笑的。。。 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Catching up

Corina Tay.... My best friend from secondary school came by my house yesterday. It has been a really long time since we last met up and we had a really nice and long chat... All the way from my house to the plaza. Tsk tsk... She jioed me go Orchard in the afternoon but I'm really lazy to go out on weekends, esp to the so-ever-crowded downtown on a Saturday... So I suggested to her, drop by my house after she's done with her stuffs in Orchard. Btw, she stays quite near me... :)

She came by at 4 plus and I invited her to have dinner at my home. My dad cooked and I think she likes his cooking, Hmmm.... Haven't really tried mine yet hor? Only once I cooked spaghetti for your family in your house. :D We had quite a long long chat and catched up on a lot of stuffs that we've been missing each other out on. Dear, I know sometimes it's hard for you... But gambatte, I'm sure you can see through it... Heee.... "家家有本难念的经". We went to develop some phonots for my JB relatives at the market then took bus to the plaza. Sat at Starbucks for a few hours and chatted more :D We should meet up more often lar... :D

I think that's about it... Today, whole day rot at home and am Mapling away.... Yeah, level 49 liao... Going cork eye soon...

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Nice nice face

I went for facial again today after work. Supposed to have something on, but was cancelled the last minute, so I went facial... It was a nice experience today with the beautician who massaged me so comfortably that I feel so good and felt asleep. I also met up with the beautician who serviced me previously but I've not seen her for months... Now she's already 5 months pregnant.. Wow... Though she din serve me today, but we met and chatted a while. :)

Walked around PS aimlessly after my facial at 8pm... Wanted to grab a bite but I've no idea what to eat... In the end, I came home empty stomach.. Haha.... Also, din manage to find the $1 cross stitch I bought from there previously... My cousins and several of my frens ask me help buy if I see again, coz it's so cute n cheap....

Reached home at about 8.45pm... Then went bath and maple again for a while... It's bedtime now and I'm not in my right state of mind, haha....

Monday, February 16, 2009

Dead physically... limbs are no longer mine....

Hey everyone, don't worry, I'm still around... juz very lazy to update my blog lar, haha....

Last Sunday, went to Wenhui's house in Marsiling for a religious class gathering and had vegeterian steamboat there. The "Giam beng" cooked by TM's mum was super delicious... When I recall about it, simply cannot help salivating... It looks and tastes a lot like fried rice, but it's not. I learnt the trick already and am going to try cooking it one of these days! After the gathering, we sang a few songs on K then went to Zichun, her mum & Apple to visit the new condominum in Yew Tee, juz opposite Zichun's house. Heee... It's damn ex and not that nice. For me, I won't buy such houses... For more info and pictures, can visit Apple's blog, heeee....

After the vistation, Apple went along with me to ZQ's house as my mum has been saying she wanna go visit Auntie Chua, so I jioed Apple along. My ex-student Yuxiu, is also mapling happily away, haha... So much to talk to us about on MapleStory. In the end, it made me addicted too and I played almost eveey evening after work... all the way till bedtime. :P Even on VDay, I was at home the whole day, happily Mapling away! ;)

Yesterday was a very meaningful but tiring day. Went for the yearly Thousand Buddha praying session. I helped out in the various events too and felt so tired. By the end of the day, I cannot even walk properly and had to take a cab home. Unfortunately, next year will be the last year we're holding this event, due to the temple space issue. They are not renting to Shifu after next year anymore. Throughout the day, we were busy praying and helping the elderlys. There was an elderly woman when had problems walking and wearing her shoes and her son has gone to drive the car over to pick her... So despite pain all over, I kneeled down and helped her to wear her shoes and then helped her over to the car park area to wait for the car to arrive. Very great sense of satisfaction though it was a small help.... It was almost 8pm by the time I got home.. and I felt so tired that I dun even had energy to open the door.

Mum had to open the door for me... After bathing and taking some porridge, I sat down to watch TV and mum walked out, saying I forgot to switch off my cable modem. I told her not that I forgot, but my legs are very pain, so I will switch off when I'm about to go to bed, so no need walk so many times. Then she suddenly asked me, my legs like that, still can come work today meh? I told her cannot also must crawl all the way here. Then she replied in Chinese "I carry u to work lor. Tomorrow mama carry u on my back to work." Though it was a short sentence that was only few sec long, I felt touched at that moment... And I smiled back at her, before she went to bed... Tsk tsk....

Today is a very special day for me... 16th Feb... Hee... Hopefully I will spend today nicely even though I'm feeling pain all over my body... :P

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Little nephew - Yan Jing

As promised from my earlier posts... here are some pics and a video of my cousin's son - Yan Jing...

Eating his "biscuits".... growing teeth so whatever he sees will go into his mouth...

Wondering why his biscuits is still so big after eating for so long...

Laughing at me - Biao Yi.... Heee...

Friday, February 6, 2009

Road to recovery...

I've been pretty sick for the past 2 weeks.... Started with a bad throat then cough & flu... The flu lasted me till these few days then I recovered. I guess I've never been sick for so long before. Sad... Luckily, all's getting better now. :D

Din really go anywhere this year for Bian Nian. Most days, I'd be home, nursing my flu... Hoho... I tot I had a lot to blog about but too bad cannot recall them now. Had many things I'd wanted to post here, but my mind is blank right now. Haha...

And oh, here's a pic, taken during Junwei & Lucy's wedding in mid-Dec:-