Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Nice nice face

I went for facial again today after work. Supposed to have something on, but was cancelled the last minute, so I went facial... It was a nice experience today with the beautician who massaged me so comfortably that I feel so good and felt asleep. I also met up with the beautician who serviced me previously but I've not seen her for months... Now she's already 5 months pregnant.. Wow... Though she din serve me today, but we met and chatted a while. :)

Walked around PS aimlessly after my facial at 8pm... Wanted to grab a bite but I've no idea what to eat... In the end, I came home empty stomach.. Haha.... Also, din manage to find the $1 cross stitch I bought from there previously... My cousins and several of my frens ask me help buy if I see again, coz it's so cute n cheap....

Reached home at about 8.45pm... Then went bath and maple again for a while... It's bedtime now and I'm not in my right state of mind, haha....

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