Thursday, February 26, 2009


今天的我,觉得好累。。。 第一次,用华语来记录。。。 好像有一点不知所措。。。 嘻嘻。。。

就像前两天,我正在和一位 user 通电话。他的电子邮件有一些问题,然后我帮他做了一些更改,而且告诉他。。 需要做一些 cleanup to resolve the problem.

Me: Sir, your Outlook seems to be working fine now. But I noticed that your Inbox has over 50000 emails. It'd be best if you can clear them up as MS has advised that if your Inbox has over 10,000 items, it will slow down the performance issue.

User: Oh, that sounds great. How do I go about doing it? I'm been working here for the past 3 years and have a lot of emails. I thought there's some kind of auto-archiving in place to help?

Me: Yeah, you're right. Indeed we do have that. But as your email items are too large in the Inbox, it's advisable to create sub-folders and drag those items from inbox to the sub-folders.

User: How do you do that? Is it difficult for me to do it myself?

Me: No, this is pretty simple. I can show you how to perform this through a remote session but you'd need to decide how you want to archive those items. Also, I'd be sending you a link shortly on the Outlook BREAST practices.......

*I went quiet after that, coz I know I said something very wrong... I meant to say "Outlook BEST practices".

在那一刹那,我觉得非常的尴尬!可是,我得说完我想说的话。。。。 我当作没这么一回事,中雨,把电话挂断。。。 突然间,我的身边传来好大声的笑声!!! 我的同事们,一一的大笑起来!赢了咯!一直到今天,他们还在笑我!! 可怜的我!! 

以前, 他们也笑过我。。 因为,我在接听了我的手机,却说出我们在工作上所用的 greeting... "aaa helpdesk, this is Cindy speaking. Can I have your UserID?" 超搞笑的。。。 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈

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