Sunday, February 22, 2009

Catching up

Corina Tay.... My best friend from secondary school came by my house yesterday. It has been a really long time since we last met up and we had a really nice and long chat... All the way from my house to the plaza. Tsk tsk... She jioed me go Orchard in the afternoon but I'm really lazy to go out on weekends, esp to the so-ever-crowded downtown on a Saturday... So I suggested to her, drop by my house after she's done with her stuffs in Orchard. Btw, she stays quite near me... :)

She came by at 4 plus and I invited her to have dinner at my home. My dad cooked and I think she likes his cooking, Hmmm.... Haven't really tried mine yet hor? Only once I cooked spaghetti for your family in your house. :D We had quite a long long chat and catched up on a lot of stuffs that we've been missing each other out on. Dear, I know sometimes it's hard for you... But gambatte, I'm sure you can see through it... Heee.... "家家有本难念的经". We went to develop some phonots for my JB relatives at the market then took bus to the plaza. Sat at Starbucks for a few hours and chatted more :D We should meet up more often lar... :D

I think that's about it... Today, whole day rot at home and am Mapling away.... Yeah, level 49 liao... Going cork eye soon...

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