Thursday, May 21, 2009

Fullerton Hotel Dim Sum Buffet

Last Sunday, Corina jio me to Fullerton hotel with her bf and few of their friends to have dim Sum buffet there. The food is good and so is the service. For weekends, the pricing for the dim sum buffet is $28+++ and timing from 1130am to 3pm... We went there at 1130am and ate till almost 3pm. my stomach almost burst. It was a great catchup with my good fren and some other sec skool frens whom i dunno that well.. :)

That same night... there was a "war" at home. My sis has been saying for the longest time she wanna go further her studies. But she doesn't even have a N cert so we told her to get her N first, but she's so stuborn and wanna sign up for MDIS Business course with her friend. The total cost is estimated to b 3.6k and after much "fighting", my parents sponsored her course, half each by each parent since they got their CPF this year. :P The war happened coz my mum was worried she doesn't know what she's doing and might b conned, so requested to speak with my sis's fren regarding this. In the end, my sis buay song and said mum invaded her privacy. Harlow, parents are paying for the course of coz they shld know more mah... Made a big fuss out of it, in the end.. kena screwed by mum almost the whole night and sis cried till wanna tear down the house liao.. gosh..

The past week has been pretty hectic for me. Though I was on mc on tues, still brought my parents out nearby plaza to buy their cellphones. We had 2 $100 vouchers and they were under my name, that's y I need to go. I'm fiddling with the idea if I shld get my cell changed as well since the other number contract is up, juz that there's no vouchers. But I'm so used to my 6280 and it's working well, so in the end, I did not change it.

Felt so drained mentally the past week... hopefully things will be back to normal next week.. :)

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