Thursday, May 14, 2009

Ouch! What's that???

My upper gum hurts a little. Today after work, I noticed there was "something" growing on my upper gum, so when I got home, I looked into the mirror and found that there's a little weird blister growing there. I asked my mum and she said could be due to something I ate... But today, I only had Ajisen Ramen for lunch... and fried bee hoon for breakfast. Seems like it's growing bigger and there's "nong" inside... Yucks!

I went jogging again today... It's been 1 week plus since I last week coz of a busy schedule [nice to exercise and sweat it out.. haha], tuitions and more tuitions since these few weeks are exam weeks... I broke my record last night. A 1.5 hour tuition, I took almost 2.5 hours coz it was for Maths and my student was pretty confused over some stuffs... After the session, I couldn't stop coughing... Guess I must have spoken to much during tuition...

Last Sunday was pretty fruitful. It was Mother's Day, as well as my Dad's 55th birthday. Mum was working as usual that day, so I met up with my dear Apple at Dhoby Ghaut for medicure n pedicure services. Thanks for the lunch treat that day, my dear! After the sessions and lunch, we went shopping a bit and I bought 2 shirts from This Fashion. I even signed up for the membership since it's more worthy... A shirt that original cost $23, even after member price, I still saved... Haha... Then I also bought quite a lot of VCDs from the sales in PS. Mainly mostly were for my mum.. she loves Hokkien show... After that, Apple took 190 back home with me.. Hee... Now she's in Korea having fun.. enjoy yourself, gal! In the evening, brought my family out to dinner at the market nearby. My dad ordered the food and even wanna pay for the meal, but I beat him to it, haha! It's his birthday and Mother's Day, how can I let them pay? :P Mum even got a free cake from the coffee shop after we finished dinner... Nice one :)

Feeling pretty tired this week, guess I'll try n sleep early. :D
My idol, take care of yourself and don't fall sick ok? :) Thanks for the meal and the drink today. Heee....

P.S: Update at 9.20pm, while I was brushing my teeth juz now.. that "blister" broke and bled alot... Hopefully will heal by tmr... Damn pain now since it broke. Ouch!

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