Wednesday, May 6, 2009

What's up with me?

I'm been feeling quite down today... I dun really know why.. Perhaps feel bad over something that I did. :P

After work, I went downtown alone.... went for facial at PS and then massage at Chinatown. Had wanted to take some food after my facial and before my massage, but can't decide what my tummy wanna eat. In the end, I skipped dinner.... hohoho.... slimming session.

The past 2 weeks have been pretty ok, except that the weather is really really hot at days, unbearable. And oh, I got a "small fortune"... Source to be kept unknown. Haha... I think my parents are happier. :P Last weekend, met up with my Apple dear at West Mall to cut our hair and do treatment. My "格格" took up rebonding and in the end I have so much time while waiting for her, I bought a number of things:-
- facial cotton
- exercise mat
- kimchi from a korean store
- Bubble tea for Apple
- newspapers
- saline solution
By the end, I was so tired, I sat at a seat near the salon to wait for her... lol.... She knows I dun like shopping and was pretty amazed I bought so many things. Thanks to TM for sending me home, else I think I gotta take a cab. :)

My parents went to Granny's house in JB yesterday and juz got home tonight, even later than me. :P She's not feeling that well and my mum forced her to see the doc today. She's having really bad "guan jie yan" and is banned from staying in aircon places and a lot of food.... She's my only granparent left and I was really really close to her when I was a kid. Mum used to tell me, when I was 3-4 years old, whenever granny visit us at the kampong, I will pack a few clothes and go off to JB with Granny. Though we never express our love openly, but in my heart, I really love her. :) Hope Granny will recover soon!

It's 10.45pm right now.. way past my normal bedtime. Not sure if I can rest well tonight with lots of stuffs on mind...

10 more days, my dear Shihua getting married! Be a pretty bride orh! Waiting to see you turn into "Mrs Lee", heee.....

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much my dear fren Cindy. Left with 3 days now... Wooo... time flies.

    BTW what happened? Why are you feeling down?
