Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Long time catchup & gathering

Last Sat, metup with my poly gang of frens for dinner at Novena. It was a great gathering for all of us, especially since most of us have not met for more than 2 years... LOL... Thanks to Alan for treating us to steamboat there and congrats man on your upcoming wedding. :)

Actually, that day, Alan was supposed to meetup with the guys who will be his brothers on his wedding day on Jan, but he jioed me and Louisa too to contribute our ideas... Everyone involved turned up, except for that Uncle Winston and the best part is Alan can never reach him. Anyway, not to spoil the mood... Other than Alan, myself and Law's gf - Wendii, the other 5 guys who were present will b brothers - Kenny, Law, Yiming, KimSuah & Winston who was absent.

Alan wanted me to help him be his emcee, but I think I lacked the courage for it... Lol.. Louisa has agreed to it and Alan's looking for a suitable male emcee partner for her. If he can't, I'd have to join Louisa as the emcee as well. I think that meetup that day was pretty well-planned. Alan had a list of stuffs to followup on and I took the lead to go through item by item to ensure we did not miss anything. The rest of the guys were also nice to contribute their ideas... lol... They all say I sound like a professional wedding planner... Mayb if one day I lose my job, I can consider taking up a wedding planner as a job.. lol... anyway, I've no plans of getting hitched or married. :D

Oh, thanks also to that ming for the ride there and home... hee hee.... *Holds onto the handle tight tight*

P.S: Met up with Maeve and Susie for dinner too on Fri night. It's been more than 5 years since I last saw Susie and it was nice catching up. Din expect them to know each other. :D Also my first attempt to take Long Island in a gay bar at Chinatown. Alcohol is not meant for me. After finishing the drink, I felt so sleepy... :P

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Gym updates

Today... I started a new set of exercises and also taken my measurements in gym.... Pretty amazed coz whatever that's supposed to go up, went up, and what's supposed to come down, decreased... Horray... Only thing is my weight... According to the instructor, it's common since my da yi ma is coming. According to her, it's common and might decrease up to 2kg after the da yi ma period...

Anyway, it's pretty hectic on the new exercises... the 2 rounds of cardio enough to make me all breathless and energy-less, then plus the new floor mat, I think I'm working out a lot more... :D With this, I also need to spend at least 15 more mins in the gym per session. Hopefully I can catchup with it and gambatte to bring down my weight real soon... heee...

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Router almost fried & New acquaintance

Ok, I know this timing is late for me and I'm supposed to be in bed, but I'm still drying my hair from the bath and so decided to take a few mins to post this...

Almost-fried router
Well, yesterday evening at 7plus, I was using the computer when the wireless connection dropped. So I thought it was pretty normal and did the few actions... But apparently I was wrong... It keeps getting disconnected and connected.... Connected for few mins and drops for 15 mins, then connect for another 5 mins and dropped again. This was from my desktop, so I decided to take my laptop to try...

The exact same thing happened! Though it was able to detect the network in the site monitor but it cannot detect any connection hence can't connect. But after several mins, it will attempt to connect again and the same process on the desktop happened on the laptop too. I then tried with wired connection and it was fine... No dropping or any weird symptons. Took me more than an hour and wasted my precious time. :P Today it seems pretty ok, so we'll see how before I do more troubleshooting as suggested. If all else fails, it's time to get a new router. :P

New acquaintance
Now this is pretty interesting and it happened about an hour ago on my way home. I was onboard an SBS on my way to Stevens Road to change bus to come back home... Just before alighting at my desired stop, there was a woman who's about mid-late 40s who was having issues with her EZ-link card and I kindly told her to tap on the reader on the side I'm on as the one she's trying appears to be faulty. She thanked me for the information and said I'm a nice girl. Yes, she used the word GIRL, not lady... I smiled back and thought that's all to the story...

But how wrong I was. After alighting at the bus stop, she waited a few secs for me and said we have fate and asked where I'm heading to. Told her I'm crossing the bridge to take bus home and she said same for her. After more chatting, we noticed we are living in the same area and she said it's nice to know a new friend so the trip home will not be boring anymore. We din really intro our name to each other, till just before I was about to alight at my stop. How amazing.. LOL

Apparently, she tot I'm only about 20 or 21 years and when I told her my age and occupation, she was so surprised... Haha... Then she went on to tell me about her teenage kids - 19 yr old girl and 16 yr old boy and she's working as a customer service in HDB. We were chatting a bit on our jobs and she thought IT is a good industry, hoho... Pretty nice woman to chat with. Long story short, her name is Karen and she said if she ever meets me again, she hope she can recognise me. haha...

Ok, time for bed. I'm really sleepy now... So looking forward to this Fri evening... :D

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Yearly meetup?

Haha.. I dunno for whatever reasons, for the past 2 weeks, seems like I was really busy meeting up with different groups of friends. From pri, to sec, to poly, to religious group and etc... Phew... Felt so tired the past week coz usually I stay home after work, but I've been going out so much the last 2 weeks...

Anyway, Fri evening was really a nice catchup session with my polymates, Louisa & Law. This group of frens... Hard ot meetup one coz everyone's so busy, we dun have time for one another. Glad that we met up that day though it was only 3 of us. Catchup up on our lives and updating each other. Louisa started the jio-ing and we said even if only got the 2 of us, we'd still meet up, and I'm glad to did. Tsk tsk.. Din expect her to say she missed us that much, after not meeting for a year. :) The last time was on Alan's solemnization last year in Sept, so exactly 1 year liao...

We had dinner at Fish&Co at Park Mall there and it was so "romantic" becoz there was quite a long blackout. According to Louisa, that is common and will resume after few mins, but I think that blackout was more than 15 mins.. and right after it resumed, Law mumbled something and we told him to shutup after that.. Haha... For a good 30 mins or more, we ate in the dark and were "offered" 2 candles, but it din help much as it was very dim, so we juz ate what we can take from the platter...

After dinner, Louisa said I cannot go home so early, must catchup more. So in the end, we went to TCC and had some cakes and drinks there. It was nice and we were thinking of our old poly days, even up to the extend of discussing the redang trip I had in 2002 with the guys in the class... Haha... It's nice and I think we really can try going back again. Both me & Louisa can't swim btw.. and we're kinda worried... LOL

Only at about 11.15pm, then we parted ways. Louisa & I went to the Park Mall bus stop and took separate buses while Law took the train. I think the next meetup shouldn't be too long away as Alan told me he will meet the guys to discuss on his wedding as they are all his buddies and he invited me to be the MC! Omg... I dun think I can take up such a big task. :P

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Met up with Maeve yesterday evening after gym for some catchup. It's been really a long time since we last met. I think at least 6 months or so? Hoho... It was a nice catchup though she's not feeling well. Felt so touched she came to meet me though she's nursing a bad flu...

Gal, take good care n rest well huh.... Let's catchup one of these days again. :)