Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Router almost fried & New acquaintance

Ok, I know this timing is late for me and I'm supposed to be in bed, but I'm still drying my hair from the bath and so decided to take a few mins to post this...

Almost-fried router
Well, yesterday evening at 7plus, I was using the computer when the wireless connection dropped. So I thought it was pretty normal and did the few actions... But apparently I was wrong... It keeps getting disconnected and connected.... Connected for few mins and drops for 15 mins, then connect for another 5 mins and dropped again. This was from my desktop, so I decided to take my laptop to try...

The exact same thing happened! Though it was able to detect the network in the site monitor but it cannot detect any connection hence can't connect. But after several mins, it will attempt to connect again and the same process on the desktop happened on the laptop too. I then tried with wired connection and it was fine... No dropping or any weird symptons. Took me more than an hour and wasted my precious time. :P Today it seems pretty ok, so we'll see how before I do more troubleshooting as suggested. If all else fails, it's time to get a new router. :P

New acquaintance
Now this is pretty interesting and it happened about an hour ago on my way home. I was onboard an SBS on my way to Stevens Road to change bus to come back home... Just before alighting at my desired stop, there was a woman who's about mid-late 40s who was having issues with her EZ-link card and I kindly told her to tap on the reader on the side I'm on as the one she's trying appears to be faulty. She thanked me for the information and said I'm a nice girl. Yes, she used the word GIRL, not lady... I smiled back and thought that's all to the story...

But how wrong I was. After alighting at the bus stop, she waited a few secs for me and said we have fate and asked where I'm heading to. Told her I'm crossing the bridge to take bus home and she said same for her. After more chatting, we noticed we are living in the same area and she said it's nice to know a new friend so the trip home will not be boring anymore. We din really intro our name to each other, till just before I was about to alight at my stop. How amazing.. LOL

Apparently, she tot I'm only about 20 or 21 years and when I told her my age and occupation, she was so surprised... Haha... Then she went on to tell me about her teenage kids - 19 yr old girl and 16 yr old boy and she's working as a customer service in HDB. We were chatting a bit on our jobs and she thought IT is a good industry, hoho... Pretty nice woman to chat with. Long story short, her name is Karen and she said if she ever meets me again, she hope she can recognise me. haha...

Ok, time for bed. I'm really sleepy now... So looking forward to this Fri evening... :D

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