Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Gym updates

Today... I started a new set of exercises and also taken my measurements in gym.... Pretty amazed coz whatever that's supposed to go up, went up, and what's supposed to come down, decreased... Horray... Only thing is my weight... According to the instructor, it's common since my da yi ma is coming. According to her, it's common and might decrease up to 2kg after the da yi ma period...

Anyway, it's pretty hectic on the new exercises... the 2 rounds of cardio enough to make me all breathless and energy-less, then plus the new floor mat, I think I'm working out a lot more... :D With this, I also need to spend at least 15 more mins in the gym per session. Hopefully I can catchup with it and gambatte to bring down my weight real soon... heee...

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