Sunday, September 6, 2009

Yearly meetup?

Haha.. I dunno for whatever reasons, for the past 2 weeks, seems like I was really busy meeting up with different groups of friends. From pri, to sec, to poly, to religious group and etc... Phew... Felt so tired the past week coz usually I stay home after work, but I've been going out so much the last 2 weeks...

Anyway, Fri evening was really a nice catchup session with my polymates, Louisa & Law. This group of frens... Hard ot meetup one coz everyone's so busy, we dun have time for one another. Glad that we met up that day though it was only 3 of us. Catchup up on our lives and updating each other. Louisa started the jio-ing and we said even if only got the 2 of us, we'd still meet up, and I'm glad to did. Tsk tsk.. Din expect her to say she missed us that much, after not meeting for a year. :) The last time was on Alan's solemnization last year in Sept, so exactly 1 year liao...

We had dinner at Fish&Co at Park Mall there and it was so "romantic" becoz there was quite a long blackout. According to Louisa, that is common and will resume after few mins, but I think that blackout was more than 15 mins.. and right after it resumed, Law mumbled something and we told him to shutup after that.. Haha... For a good 30 mins or more, we ate in the dark and were "offered" 2 candles, but it din help much as it was very dim, so we juz ate what we can take from the platter...

After dinner, Louisa said I cannot go home so early, must catchup more. So in the end, we went to TCC and had some cakes and drinks there. It was nice and we were thinking of our old poly days, even up to the extend of discussing the redang trip I had in 2002 with the guys in the class... Haha... It's nice and I think we really can try going back again. Both me & Louisa can't swim btw.. and we're kinda worried... LOL

Only at about 11.15pm, then we parted ways. Louisa & I went to the Park Mall bus stop and took separate buses while Law took the train. I think the next meetup shouldn't be too long away as Alan told me he will meet the guys to discuss on his wedding as they are all his buddies and he invited me to be the MC! Omg... I dun think I can take up such a big task. :P

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