Sunday, November 22, 2009

Religious outing @ Botanic Gardens

Today, we had a gathering for the religious group in Botanic Gardens. It was really nice and interesting and fun! As I've never been there before and not sure of the way, Apple has kindly offered to let me go with her, TM and TM's mum... Haha... So I went to TM's place at about 2 plus. It's very big and there are 2 main entrances. We were early so we took a walk to the Orchid Gardens and waited for the rest there.

Meanwhile, TM took some photos for us:-

Shortly, the rest arrived too and we found a good spot under some shady trees. Zifang then took us on an exercise spree. Haha... It was fun, with such a big group of ppl exercising together and even other ppl joined in the fun, especially a few Caucasian foreigners. Before leaving, the kids even waved bye to us. So cute! After the exercise, we took a walk around the Botanic Gardens and there were so many pretty things and plants to look at, of coz, with lots of photos taken:-

The pretty swan we saw in the lake. We were told, swans alwiz stay in a pair and if the partner die, shortly after the swan won't be able to live anymore... So lomantic....

Apple, Lynn & Me...

me & Lynn trying to post, but I think not nice, haha.. So weird

Me & Chunyi...

I was looking at the squirrels on the tree, din expect to become the background in this photo for these 2 chatty sisters (Jiayi & Zhenyi) from Malaysia... Hee...

Me with dunno wat fruit tree...

Ladies photo, with a little boy...heee..

This is interesting. The ladies have been "jumping" like this for whole evening after this first jump we had while walking. I think it's fun and funny and we were laughing like mad. After that, the ladies jumped a lot more, but I din join in. :p

By 7pm, we were all tired and the sky was getting dark, so we went home respectively. Thanks to the Malaysian aunties for the lift home and I'm sorry I cannot recall your names anymore. :(

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