Friday, January 29, 2010

Life is so vulnerable....

Life is indeed so vulnerable.
A closed one can be with us healthy and happy juz a few days back... but within a matter of 2 days, lie in an ICU unit hanging on to her dear life.

I mentioned in my previous post that my 6th aunt juz came to visit us last weekend and on Tues night, she got sent to the ICU in hospital due to kidney failure. Though she's now recovering well in a normal ward, but she still has to go for dialysis 3 times a week... Who would have expected that? Sigh....

We juz went to visit her in the JB hospital today after work and got home not long ago only. She's only 39 and her 2 kids are so young... oh well.. life is so vulnerable... :(

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Time really flies, Jan is almost over..

Wow, can't believe that time really really flies. It seems as if we juz counted down to 2010 yesterday, and now January is already ending... Can't help but feel myself growing so old at times... Getting tired more easily...

Sun, my aunts and Granny came by from JB. Sixth aunt and her 2 kids, Granny and 大舅母。I brought the aunts and kids to shop at Lot 1 to buy some stuffs with my sis... while Granny stayed home with mum for a chat as she's too weak to shop out for hours. It was a long process of waiting for my aunt to pay for the kids' clothes in Giordano that I felt so tired and sort of a bit angry... :( Not saying the reason here to spoil the mood.

But dinner was good. It's been a long time since we have 9 ppl eating on the table and I placed the order while dad paid for the bill... haha... Nice food with nice companion, really nice! :)

I've been sleeping late the past 2 nights and really feeling the strain tonight.. Think I'll drop dead in bed even b4 10pm. heee...

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Great catching up with my dearest Shihua!

I went out last evening with Shihua... Since she changed her job, she's been so busy that it took us months to meet up even once.. LOL... But I can understand and won't be angry. :D

The cute thing about last night meeting was, for the first time since we've known each other for 10 years, we realized we have nothing much in common.. No common interest (esp shopping, I hate shopping but she loves it), food, topic etc etc, but yet we can remain friends for so long.... 10 long years... Nov this year will mark our 10 year frenship.

Shihua brought me to Kim Gary for dinner at Vivo, knowing that I've never been there.. haha.. And she was so surprised I've been living like a hermit for so long.. A lot of things she mentioned, either I dunno or I've never heard b4 and I dunno how many times she "fainted" last nite... haha...

She also bought me a really nice and cute top.. Personally I find that very expensive and won't buy something like that for that price myself... If however for my close frens, I think I will. :) Shihua said she alwiz sees me in t-shirt and it's so boring so she decided to buy that shirt for me, which, I must stress, I find ex.. Heee...

It was a really nice gathering with lots of stuffs to chat on and we took some photos with her iPhone too.. But unfortunately, I was feeling pretty tired after all the shopping ard which I din enjoy so I din look good in the pics... I especially enjoy the last part of our gathering where we sat down and chatted and laughed like nobody's business...

P.S: The cute thing is, the seat where we chose, Shihua heard the 2 guys behind us in the process of an interview.. haha...

Thanks dear for the gift and the "guidance" to show me how to walk to the terminal to take my bus home.. Though it was already 11pm when I got home, I was really happy! :)

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Just back!

I juz came back from Rev. Huiru's house. It's been a long time since I last went and it's a great feeling to gather with my seniors from Buddhist Society & to be able to help out in the upcoming Qian Fo in March.

Sad to say, this will be the last year of the big praying event, hence I will surely appear, no matter what!

Glad to be able to catch up with Peiling, Xueling, Xueying & Jason! :)

Thursday, January 7, 2010

My rabbit bit me~

I was bitten by my dear rabbit, Xiaobai today.
These few days, she had a "wound" on her neck area and my dad said it's high chance due to bites from insects.
Dad put some medication on the wound, and I think it hurts, so she bit me n dad. I think dad's worse as he was bitten several times already the past 2 days...

Hopefully she will recover real soon!

P.S: I want a camera!!!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Congratulations to Alan & Candy on your wedding!

One of my best buddies, Alan, from Poly got married yesterday! It was really sad that my camera is spoilt, else there'd be many nice nice photos!

From about a year back, Alan already "booked" few of the guys in our class to be his brothers (Kim Suah, Lawrence, Yiming, Kenny & Winston) and both me and Louisa were roped in to the discussion too and provide suggestions. In the end, Louisa ended up as the MC and I, as 1/2 brother and 1/2 sister and overseeing a lot of stuffs. Though tiring, it was really nice and fun to see a good buddy getting married!

On the actual day, Ming took a cab from CCK to my block to fetch me as we were heading to Simei direct to meet the rest. Simei is Candy's home and Alan and the rest of the guys will be heading off from Serangoon where Alan stays. We reached Simei really early at about 7.30am and sat there waiting for the rest of the guys. They arrived early but too bad the make up artist for the bride was late and hence the gatecrash was shorten by a lot of time. The sisters were so sad as they only played 2 games - guessing alan's mother-in-law and putting lipsticks on the guys. Candy's sisters were all her cousins and aged between 14-21. I was basically leading them in almost everything that morning.. LOL...

We had intended to go to Changi beach for more photos, but due to time constraint, only some photos were taken at the park near Alan's home. The morning session was pretty ok and then we headed to Amara Hotel to prepare for the night banquet at bout 2pm. After settling in the room, I met the guys for some food at BK in Amara. The sisters did not want anything so I only packed some food for the couple, before heading to the ballroom to check out the room and recept area. After checking the place and ensure all the stuffs are in place, I had a bath and did my makeup. Alan was kind enough to hire 2 makeup artists for the 5 sisters and Louisa and me. I looked so different I couldn't recognise myself. It was a pity my camera is spoilt. Aragh...

I helped out at the recept area and was glad everything went smoothly and nicely! A sense of satisfaction as I handled without help. Heee... I was also very happy to meet the rest of my poly classmates as it's been at least 3-4 years since we last gathered! By the time the whole banquet ended, it was almost 11pm and then we packed. I was already 12.15am by the time I got home. Thanks Kenny for the ride home! Really appreciate it! Though really tiring, but was glad the whole day went really well and everyone did their part well to make the whole event successfully and so lovely! :) Photos will be up soon once I get them.. tsk tsk...

P.S: Candy's mum is really so cute. She talked a lot with us while the couple went to pray to their ancestors and we waited at Candy's place.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy 2010!!!

Happy New Year to everyone!
This really marks the beginning of yet another new year! I finally believe of the saying - after you reached 21, you'll find that time really flies by. I still cannot believe how fast the past year went by.

Anyway, yesterday after work, I went to Jean Yip for my facial again. How I missed the feeling, since it's been 4 months since I last went. I still remembered the last time I went was on my bday in Aug... Hee hee... My package ended and I signed up a new package with $500 free of products. I enjoy the massaging during the facial and of coz the eyebrow shaping which I can never achieve on my own. After the facial I came home to bathe, before heading to Baozhu-jie's house for a new year countdown gathering!

I reached there at about 9.30pm and was super hungry. But alas, the food is still in the midst of being prepared, so while waiting, I pinched a bit of food here and there.. LOL.. Thanks to Apple ge ge, Zifang, Baoling, Baoli, Sharine for the food preparation! The food is really yummy! :) Shortly, Barry & ZQ joined in too. We watched TV and then the countdown. Everyone was very excited when we can see the fireworks across the causeway. Mind you, we're not in Marsiling or Woodlands but in Bt Panjang! I was too tired by then hence I din go with them to see. By 1.30am, Zifang sent us home.... Hee, thanks mei for the ride home!

And here I am today, working in the office again on New Year Day! Heee...