Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Time really flies, Jan is almost over..

Wow, can't believe that time really really flies. It seems as if we juz counted down to 2010 yesterday, and now January is already ending... Can't help but feel myself growing so old at times... Getting tired more easily...

Sun, my aunts and Granny came by from JB. Sixth aunt and her 2 kids, Granny and 大舅母。I brought the aunts and kids to shop at Lot 1 to buy some stuffs with my sis... while Granny stayed home with mum for a chat as she's too weak to shop out for hours. It was a long process of waiting for my aunt to pay for the kids' clothes in Giordano that I felt so tired and sort of a bit angry... :( Not saying the reason here to spoil the mood.

But dinner was good. It's been a long time since we have 9 ppl eating on the table and I placed the order while dad paid for the bill... haha... Nice food with nice companion, really nice! :)

I've been sleeping late the past 2 nights and really feeling the strain tonight.. Think I'll drop dead in bed even b4 10pm. heee...

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