Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy 2010!!!

Happy New Year to everyone!
This really marks the beginning of yet another new year! I finally believe of the saying - after you reached 21, you'll find that time really flies by. I still cannot believe how fast the past year went by.

Anyway, yesterday after work, I went to Jean Yip for my facial again. How I missed the feeling, since it's been 4 months since I last went. I still remembered the last time I went was on my bday in Aug... Hee hee... My package ended and I signed up a new package with $500 free of products. I enjoy the massaging during the facial and of coz the eyebrow shaping which I can never achieve on my own. After the facial I came home to bathe, before heading to Baozhu-jie's house for a new year countdown gathering!

I reached there at about 9.30pm and was super hungry. But alas, the food is still in the midst of being prepared, so while waiting, I pinched a bit of food here and there.. LOL.. Thanks to Apple ge ge, Zifang, Baoling, Baoli, Sharine for the food preparation! The food is really yummy! :) Shortly, Barry & ZQ joined in too. We watched TV and then the countdown. Everyone was very excited when we can see the fireworks across the causeway. Mind you, we're not in Marsiling or Woodlands but in Bt Panjang! I was too tired by then hence I din go with them to see. By 1.30am, Zifang sent us home.... Hee, thanks mei for the ride home!

And here I am today, working in the office again on New Year Day! Heee...

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