Saturday, January 23, 2010

Great catching up with my dearest Shihua!

I went out last evening with Shihua... Since she changed her job, she's been so busy that it took us months to meet up even once.. LOL... But I can understand and won't be angry. :D

The cute thing about last night meeting was, for the first time since we've known each other for 10 years, we realized we have nothing much in common.. No common interest (esp shopping, I hate shopping but she loves it), food, topic etc etc, but yet we can remain friends for so long.... 10 long years... Nov this year will mark our 10 year frenship.

Shihua brought me to Kim Gary for dinner at Vivo, knowing that I've never been there.. haha.. And she was so surprised I've been living like a hermit for so long.. A lot of things she mentioned, either I dunno or I've never heard b4 and I dunno how many times she "fainted" last nite... haha...

She also bought me a really nice and cute top.. Personally I find that very expensive and won't buy something like that for that price myself... If however for my close frens, I think I will. :) Shihua said she alwiz sees me in t-shirt and it's so boring so she decided to buy that shirt for me, which, I must stress, I find ex.. Heee...

It was a really nice gathering with lots of stuffs to chat on and we took some photos with her iPhone too.. But unfortunately, I was feeling pretty tired after all the shopping ard which I din enjoy so I din look good in the pics... I especially enjoy the last part of our gathering where we sat down and chatted and laughed like nobody's business...

P.S: The cute thing is, the seat where we chose, Shihua heard the 2 guys behind us in the process of an interview.. haha...

Thanks dear for the gift and the "guidance" to show me how to walk to the terminal to take my bus home.. Though it was already 11pm when I got home, I was really happy! :)

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