Saturday, September 11, 2010

Another tiring day!

I'm so tired.. Yesterday was Hari Raya, and I was working in the office too.
Worked till 6pm and came home for dinner and had a short rest before heading down to Lakeside to join Apple and the religious group for some vegeterian BBQ Session there. Also saw Lijun once again and it was really funnie how we can chat about everything and laughed all the way through. I think we really clicked! :) And sorry Ben (Lijun's hubby), then you might have felt a bit neglected when the few of us ladies were joking and chatting ard!

Today, went down to city hall again to meet up with Thao for short while. She's taking a 1pm plane tomorrow to Vietnam and I won't be free so met up with her today. Tomorrow, will be heading to BBDC for my theory lessons... :P

After the short meetup, took MRT to Lakeside to met up with Sam & his wife. We went to Junwei & Lucy's house warming. A pretty hot day but nice catchup with them all and I got home before 8pm! :D

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