Sunday, September 5, 2010

Colleague from US visited

My colleague from US, Thao visited me in Singapore. Saw her for the first time yesterday morning when we met up in Chinatown, together with another fren of hers, Kim who came from Vietnam and can't speak English. It's pretty amazing, how we've never met before but know each other so well as we practically chat a lot on AIM for work related stuffs and also sometime juz simply chat :)

Brought them to Chinatown to walk walk see see and then to Clark Quay. After that we strolled to Funan IT mall, City Hall, Suntec, Esplanade, Merlion and finally had dinner at Lau Pat Sat. Hoho.. I'm not one who go out to shop a lot, so I actually lost my way when walking to Raffles MRT from Lau Pat Sat... We also took quite a lot of pics, but they're all in Thao's camera.. So I won't be able to upload as yet...

And today, we had planned to go to the Southern Ridges, but it was raining since early morning so that had to be cancelled. In the end, we met up at 2pm in Bugis and I brought them around the place again. After some walks, we took bus back to my home, so they can see what a typical Singapore HDB flat looks like. Then we headed to the coffee shop opposite my home for dinner, together with my parents. They also had some insight on what Hungry Ghost Festival and mid-Autumn Festival are like and my dad even brought us all to watch the getai... LOL... It was funny how they requested to take pics with my parents and they gladly obliged.. My dad is not one who take pics.. :P

After watching the getai, took them on a ride on the LRT and they mentioned how amazing that it's driverless and how the windows "opaqued" out when we reach flats... tsk tsk.. Honestly, I dun remember how that happen and can't explain to them too... It was a great weekend with them out, though really tiring. :)

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