Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Back from Bandung~

I'm back from my Bandung trip.. It's tiring but fun @ the same time.. First time going overseas with my parents (other than to JB to visit Granny). I think should bring them overseas more often to enjoy themselves! They're getting old!

So excited and fun to catch up with Merlin. She's still so pretty and cheerful, no change.. Still good figure after 2 kids... LOL... We really had a great time over the 3 days we were in Bundung. Thanks Melon dear for the treat and time taken to bring us around Bandung. We really appreciate it (including my parents)! They were saying you and your hubby and your in-laws are so kind and nice! :) I love Jordan and Natasha too, though we din get to spend much time with them! :D

Ok, less talk and here are the pics!

First pic of the trip. Taken with parents at Changi Airport Terminal 1

Free leg massage.. All over the place in T1

Me & Apple room at hotel Anggrek

My parents' room, which is joined by a door

The LCD monitor in our room

First meal at Bandung. Can't remember the name, but very similar concept to Newton food court in SG

Apple's pancake... Nice~

Frog leg... Very cheap there. Me & parents ate this... Only about $3.50 Sing dollar. Comes with rice too

Nice dumplings

This is how the receipt looks like. We really got issue there as the currency is so small. 1 SG dollar = 6770 Ruppiah.. And we cannot understand the language, so can only based on calculator~

The arowanas at Melon's backyard.. Many tanks of them but we cannot get any good shots as the surroundings are too bright~. Impt to note, many tanks of these.. and they are of different breed and colors. Super nice.. My dad's favourite...

The larger red arowanas which are super expensive! My dad had a good long chat with Melon's papa-in-law over these fishes

Melon's backyard

Me & Melon in her "Garden" at level 2. Apple took a similar one with Melon too. Tsk tsk

Melon's daughter, Natasha.. With her nanny and the graduate puffs I got for her!

Melon's son, 2.5 years old... His name is Jordan and super cute. We cannot communicate with him as he speaks indon, but we had a good laugh as he keeps holding on to us and do not allow us to leave the room. LOL

The fishes in the food court at our hotel

Local tidbits along the way to the volcano

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