Monday, August 10, 2009

Bz August

I realised that Aug has been a really busy month for me. Normally, i'd be home on weekends and slacking around.. But for the past few weekends, I've been really busy. Just take the week that passed for example. On Sat morning, I went to the gym to exercise. Then after that Apple came to the gym to find me so she can help me to carry the food stuffs to TM house.

The reason why we're preparing food is becoz that evening, we have a gathering in one of the religious class fren's home and each person will bring some food, like pot-luck. I was tasked to make some desserts. At first, had wanted to make mango pudding, but because of some reasons, we got it changed to agar-agar instead. I made kiwi and pineapple flavour and a lot of ppl said it's pretty nice. :D Appel made some fruits salad and TM's mum made vegeterian wanton. She added some cheese in the wanton and it tasted superb...

In the evening, we had a great time eating all the nice food prepared by everyone and also a great time catching up. My mum went along too and I think it's nice for her to catch up with the aunties again. After the food, we had some intro sessions and me & Wenhui-mei had to teach a song too. Felt so nervous then... heeee... Thanks to Uncle& Auntie Chua for sending us home after the event!

Today is a holdiay, but I'm in office, earning my OT pay. Anyway, I've got nothing much to do.. might as well come and earn some $$$... Heee.... Both Apple & Wenhui meis are not well.... Better take care, drink more water n rest well hor!

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