Sunday, August 16, 2009

So many ppl are sick!

So many people around me are sick! I think the worst cases are my bro, Apple & Wenhui.... My bro was sick for almost 2 weeks and seen over 4 docs but his condition din seem to get better so my mum brought him to see Nam Seng at Bt Timah on Tues. Doc said his fever is so high it's affecting his brain, so gave him Tamiflu and tonnes of other medications. Wed, mum took leave and brought him to see the doc again as the fever was persistent. In the end, blood was drawn and sent for lab test. I was super praying it's not h1n1, else it'd be very difficult for me. :P Heng it was only bateria infection coz of his daily habits - like not drinking enough water & alwiz sleeping very late.

Then I got to know both Apple & Hui-zi are sick! Apple is feeling much better now though in the beginning it was pretty terrible too. Yesterday went for religious class and realised that for Hui-zi, not only she din get better, she even got more sick. She seen 3 docs and even a chinese physician, but when I saw her last night... She was so lethargic. Her symptons are so so so similiar to my bro, I told her to Nam Seng... Told her mum too... coz I think normal doc dun really bother nowadays with so many flu cases... Sigh...

Hope all of you out there who are sick, will recover soon! Take care n rest well. Drink more water! :D

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