Friday, April 2, 2010

Catchup with Hui Nee!

It's been almost 3 years since I last met up with this woman.
She's my ex-colleague from the previous company and I trained her b4 I left.
Now, she's doing much better in her new career and I wish her all the best.
There has really been so much for us to catch up on...
We also watched a movie- How to train the dragon after my work today.
Did not expect it to be so nice and touching. I even teared towards the end... Also, she must feel very priviledged, coz it's my first ever movie for the past 3 years... Ever since I took up my degree course mid-2007, I've not watched any movie in movie theaters.
Dinner was good too at Lao Di Fang in Park Mall tonite... The only regret is, we forgot to take some photos that evening.

God knows when we'll meet up again... But I'm hoping it's not for another 3 years.. tsk tsk...

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