Monday, April 12, 2010


Ok, so I've jus posted quite a number of pictures in the last post..
And here are some updates....

CNY @ Granny's house
As we can see from the last post, some of those pics are taken on CNY @ my Granny's house in JB. But it's just that I'm been lazy to upload and post them up... My hair looked a bit messy when taking with Yan Jin as my the fans were "blowing" in my direction. Once a year gathering with my extended family was great! :)

Dinner with Shihua on 9 Apr 10
It's been a few months since I met my dear for dinner. She's been so busy in her new work, it's hard to date her... LOL. I've always enjoyed going out and chatting with her and we're alwiz wondering how the world we became best frens when we've basically nothing in common.. our likes, dislikes, hobbies, the way we handle and do things... are like totally opposite.
Nevertheless, I really enjoyed the evening with her, eating, chatting and a stroll down Orchard Road, jus because I told her I wanna go OG and see if can find some biscuits... hee...
Take care dear and we shall meet up again sometime soon when you're free! :)

Charlina's Wedding on 11 Apr 2010
Hee, I almost missed the wedding dinner as I remembered the date wrongly! Sigh... Luckily, Maeve sms-ed me on the same morning and asked for the timing to go together, else I'd have though it was on 18 Apr 2010. :) So happy to see my old fren from kindergarten getting married happily. We've known each other for more than 22 year! Woot... Since 6 years old in kindergarten.
Though we seldom meet, but we're still close. It's really a sweet and nice wedding.
Congrats gal, on becoming Mrs Tow.
Let's meet up sometime again when you're more free and settled... But definitely b4 u leave for Abu Dhabi... :)

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