Monday, April 12, 2010

Random pics

My little nephew in JB - Yan Jin


Yan Jin with my mum & 3rd uncle

Yan Jin & my 6th aunt

Yan Jin & 6th aunt

Me & Apple at steamboat gathering in Uncle Lee's house

Dinner with Shihua on 9 Apr @ IOn

Me, sipping my tea :)

My lovely dear Shihua

A walk down Orchard Road after dinner.. I like this pic :) Been so long since we last took a pic together

A lovely pressie!

The bear bear.... hee...

My little chou chou, xiaobai.... so lazy... and fat... haha...

My Primary skool mate Charlina's wedding, @ Amara Sentosa

My red wine...

Me & Maeve...

Me & Maeve closeup

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