Sunday, April 25, 2010

The past week...

The past week has been pretty busy for me....
Late last week and beginning of the week, I was not feeling that well. Probably because I caught in the heavy rain 3 times last week after work... Kept sneezing non stop and coughing too... But I'm ok now, so :).

On Tues, I saw on FB that KS's dad has passed away. So I met up with some poly classmates at AMK on Thurs to send our condolences. Though it's supposed to be sad, we had a great catchup with one another. Esp before going over, I met Alan early as the rest were late and we had quite a great carchup on his new life - getting married and all...
Then after that, I went for dinner with Law & Kenny and it was a really nice catchup too.We were also discussing if we prefer a higher pay but work like mad... or getting a lower pay and being able to start n leave work on time. I chose the latter as I knew very well that's what I wanted, rather than working so many hours a day and no life... Though my life is pretty boring, but I'm enjoying it as it is now... So Alan, stop giving me the idea of finding someone to rely on for life. :P

Friday evening was crazy for me... I went to gym after work and after gym, I went to the bus stop to wait for my usual bus, but the bus was super late. From a 7 min frequency, the 190 bus came only 2 times, 29 mins apart in an hour... I was late for my tuition so I decided to walk to the LRT station and too bad, the LRT was only working 1 way instead of the normal 2, so every train that came was full! Damn! In the end, I had to cancel my tuition. World class public transport... sigh... I had the makeup lesson yesterday morning and felt bad for the lateness on Fri night. A less than 15 mins journey home, took more than 1.5 hours. :(

This weekend was pretty much the same. Yesterday went to the gym, then met my mum n sis for late lunch at about 3pm. Had wanted to go home direct as it was raining heavily but my mum persuaded me to join. :P then we went to NTUC to buy some vegetables before heading home...

And today, I stayed home the whole day. The weather's so HOT.... Aragh...
Back to office tomorrow. :p

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