Monday, June 28, 2010

I'm back!

Now then I realised, it's just a PRACTICE, as the term states.
There were a total of 4 papers with 70 questions each... Not too bad, at least it gives me an idea of what kind of questions are expected. And I failed 3 of them and passed 1, with a very short marginal... :(

Next Monday, I'd be going for the BTE (Basic Theory Evaluation), can I pass? Haha... 90 marks leh...

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Wat will it be like?

I'd be going for my BTP (Basic Theory Practice) at BBDC tomorrow after work... Wonder what it'd be like? Pretty nervous if you ask me... hahaha... :P

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Last day of gym

I went for my last session of gym at Contour's Express in Teck Whye this afternoon.
So fast, 1 year has already past and though I din really feel a lot of weight loss, but I do feel healthier and my muscles building up, esp on the arms and legs! I decided not to continue with the membership due to 2 main reasons - not a very convenient place to go and also since I'm going to start driving soon, I might not be able to go 3 days a week for gym...

I'm actually feeling really really tired today and almost couldn't make it for the gym. The reason is because I got a bit emotional yesterday after someone told me something that touched me deeply somehow. Though it was really nothing much, but it meant a lot to me. :)

Plus, after work yesterday, I went to gym and then met up with Maeve for dinner and KBox at Clementi. We K all the way from 8pm to 2am and I was half dead by then. We were told that we can have the room to 12mn, but I guess not many people went to K last night so we can have the room till 3am when it closes. We were so tired, we left before 2am. Really getting old. Just 2-3 years back I can K with Apple they all on a weekly basis on every Sunday from 7pm to 3am and still go to work on Monday morning without issues. Now, I can't... I slept till 10am this morning and still feel so tired.

However, it was really nice to be able to catchup with Maeve again and we have some ideas for Charlina before she migrates to Abu Dhabi with her hubby... :) And oh, after some find, finally got my mum an ideal backpack which she's been looking for. The old one she had, I got it for her from Taiwan years ago and it's dismantling. Glad that she likes the one I got for her last nite b4 meeting Maeve.

It's now 11.12pm and I need my bed badly!!!
Good nite everyone~

Thursday, June 24, 2010


My boss visited us from US this week... Yes, this week from 21 Jun to 24 Jun..
I have had several meetings with her and she was saying she finally get to meet us. We never had a chance to meet and only speak through conferences.

It wasn't that bad as I thought and I'm amazed at how 1 email from her can get the ticket counts down to so low. From the usual 150-200 tickets, it got reduced to less than 40. Wow! I guess the US lead got really stressed by her email. :P Actually sometimes I do pity the US lead as I know it's not easy to manage a big team of helpdesk agents... It's a small team for me here in Singapore so there weren't much issues and nothing much my boss can pick me on, regarding the team.

Pretty nice that the past 4 days was much better than I imagined it to be and horray, I've regained my freedom, once again! :)

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Busy weekend

It's Sunday and finally I've the time over the weekend to sit down here and blog!
I din expect myself to be so busy this weekend.... But somehow, I was!
3rd uncle and his wife came to our house from KL on yesterday morning and I had to bring them to CPF at Civic Centre to withdraw their Singapore CPF. It was very fast and efficient and the whole process was only less than 10 mins for both of them.

My uncle was commenting it was so different when he had to bring my mum around to so many places in KL and JB for her EPF (equivalent to CPF in SG). They had to pay so many fines and referred from one dept to another and till now she has not gotten the $$$ yet... Was telling her to forget it, since the amt is not a lot...

Shortly after I brought them around to CWP for some food and shopping. It was nice catching up with 3rd uncle as he's a very comical and funny man... haha... I then came home while they went to visit a friend in BT Timah... And they were back shortly at 2 plus as my mum reached home around that time after work. Then we brought them to plaza for more shopping and treated them to various food which they cannot find in KL. My uncle likes the hokkien mee and satay bee hoon here, so I brought those for them. I also went to NTUC to buy some ingredients for fruit jellys to make for my granny as she loves them.

After that and some coffee in the food court, we came back home and I made the jellys and let them cool down so uncle can bring them back to granny and some back to KL for his kids. Then we went for dinner at the market opposite my house.. By the time we're done with dinner and everything, it was already 9 plus. Can't believe 1 day is past, just like that...

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Changed my mind!

Guess what?
After speaking with different parties over the last 2 days, I've decided to change from manual to auto again for the driving.
I seriously doubt I can pass manual one.. after speaking with people I know who are experienced in driving, or had passed driving recently...

So I went down to BBDC today again to change the course and I had to pay a penalty of $10.70 for the change of course... But at least I feel better that way and had more confidence...

And for the first time in 26 years, Orchard Road was flooded! Can't believe that.... Gosh... I was on the BKE/PIE this morning and was wondering why the jam was so bad... It was only when the bus went up to Steven Road then I saw the flood and it was especially bad along Newton area... The whole canal was flooded and I saw taxis and cars 3/4 submerged in the floods... Gosh... The bus even had to miss a few bus stops and drive up the flyover coz of the flood... Is this Singapore? :P

Monday, June 14, 2010

I need courage

Finally, after much thoughts and encouragement from quite a number of people, I went to BBDC today to sign up for driving lessons.
All along, I did not have the courage to drive and keep thinking I sure fail and jalat if I go learn driving.
But after much persuasion, I went today... In fact, a few weeks back I went to Popular to buy the basic n advance theory books to read up, but was never ready to go down to book for my tests and understand how the whole thing works...

Finally today after work and my gym session, Apple dear accompanied me there... I decided to take up auto (class 3) but Apple says it's better to go manual, and so I signed up for manual courses in the school. Though the school charges are higher than private instructors, I think it's still better to go for school for someone with so low confidence in driving. As compared, school candidates can book for circuit much more easier than private ones... And I think I really need that! Right after I signed up and paid the registration fees, there was a briefing session to tell you the overview of the course and it's pretty informative. And guess what? They provide basic & advance theory books as well (different from what I got from Popular) and much cheaper. But ok lar, got more better, at least can cover more.

Because the whole process took much longer than registering as a private for the theory, Apple had to miss dinner becoz of me. So sorry my dear! Din expect that... LOL... At least now, everything's fixed and I need more courage!!!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

On half day today!

Yes, I took half day leave today..
Thanks to Carine the birthday gal who gave up her leave for me.. She had wanted to apply full day today n tomorrow but becos of me, she only takes tomorrow off!
Thanks gal and happy 60th birthday to you... haha..

The afternoon was spent nicely and well. I enjoyed it thoroughly and hopefully you did too! :)

Friday, June 4, 2010

It's June....

Gosh, can't believe 5 months of May is gone "juz like that"...
How time flies... *faint*

This week has been pretty peaceful except for the normal busy work in office, as usual.
My US boss will be visiting us end of the month.. So we'll see how it goes... :P
Sort of pressurized and nervous as we dun know her well...