Sunday, June 20, 2010

Busy weekend

It's Sunday and finally I've the time over the weekend to sit down here and blog!
I din expect myself to be so busy this weekend.... But somehow, I was!
3rd uncle and his wife came to our house from KL on yesterday morning and I had to bring them to CPF at Civic Centre to withdraw their Singapore CPF. It was very fast and efficient and the whole process was only less than 10 mins for both of them.

My uncle was commenting it was so different when he had to bring my mum around to so many places in KL and JB for her EPF (equivalent to CPF in SG). They had to pay so many fines and referred from one dept to another and till now she has not gotten the $$$ yet... Was telling her to forget it, since the amt is not a lot...

Shortly after I brought them around to CWP for some food and shopping. It was nice catching up with 3rd uncle as he's a very comical and funny man... haha... I then came home while they went to visit a friend in BT Timah... And they were back shortly at 2 plus as my mum reached home around that time after work. Then we brought them to plaza for more shopping and treated them to various food which they cannot find in KL. My uncle likes the hokkien mee and satay bee hoon here, so I brought those for them. I also went to NTUC to buy some ingredients for fruit jellys to make for my granny as she loves them.

After that and some coffee in the food court, we came back home and I made the jellys and let them cool down so uncle can bring them back to granny and some back to KL for his kids. Then we went for dinner at the market opposite my house.. By the time we're done with dinner and everything, it was already 9 plus. Can't believe 1 day is past, just like that...

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